Welcome, This is the home of Crown Green Bowling in Wales
Croeso, dyma gartref Bowlio ‘Crown Green’ yng Nghmru

Rules and Records
The Welsh Crown Green Bowling Association (“WCGBA”) has a Code of Conduct across the sport. The WCGBA requires the highest standards of conduct from everyone involved in crown green bowling to ensure that their behaviour and actions meet the values and standards expected of them at all times.
All levels of members of affiliated clubs, leagues and area associations are at all times subject to this code of conduct and the associated disciplinary procedures.
Members are expected to conduct themselves in ways which display the following:-.
Good standards of behaviour both on and off the green.
A sporting approach to team colleagues, opponents, officials and spectators.
Behaviour befitting good ambassadors for the Welsh Crown Green Bowling Association, its affiliates and the game of bowls.
Members must not:-
1. Use Abusive or threatening behaviour towards others.
2. Harass, bully or abuse other persons, physically, verbally or electronically on internet sites or web pages
3. Show any form of discrimination against other persons motivated by gender, marital status, sexual orientation, race, colour, nationality, ethnic origin, disability, age, occupation, religion or political opinion.
Any member of the Association’s clubs, leagues and Area Associations who fails to uphold this Code of Conduct, thereby bringing themselves or the WCGBA into disrepute, shall be subject to disciplinary action. Abusive or threatening behaviour will not be tolerated.
In the first instance it is the responsibility of the parent club to ensure that members are aware of their obligations under this Code of Conduct. Thereafter all Leagues, Bowling Societies and Area associations are required to uphold and enforce it
Dress Code
All players must pay attention to the dress code set out for each competition held under the auspices of the BCGBA, BCGLBA, the WCGBA, the Area Associations and the affiliated Leagues. Particular attention is drawn to the requirements for individual or team finals. Footwear should have flat soles with no heels or heavy grips.
National Team Representatives
Players and officials who represent their Country are in privileged and favoured positions. Their conduct and performance should accord with the status they enjoy. This assumes a mature and sensible approach and requires good preparation, sensible enjoyment, recreation and proper rest. Players should be fit to play and wear, with pride, the official Welsh shirt or blouse and badge as instructed by Team Officials.
National team officials should ensure compliance with player requirements and provide the leadership and organisational skills expected of their status.
As a Player I will:
– be affiliated to the WCGBA and comply with all rules, regulations and requirements of the sport including any leagues and competitions in which I participate
– respect the rights, dignity and worth of all people involved in crown green bowls, regardless of gender, marital status, sexual orientation, race, colour, nationality, ethnic origin, disability, age, occupation, religion or political opinion.
– not abuse or misuse any relationship of trust or position of power or influence held by me within my team, club, League, Society, Area or National Association
– always conduct myself in an appropriate manner
– cooperate with my coaches, team mates, officials and administrators
– never argue with an official during a match
– control my temper; I understand that verbal and physical abuse of officials, coaches, spectators or other players, or deliberately distracting or provoking an opponent is not acceptable or permitted behaviour in crown green bowls
– treat all players with respect, never bully or take unfair advantage of another player
– work equally hard for myself and my team, show my determination and passion to learn and do well
– display modesty in victory and graciousness in defeat
– comply with all anti-doping policies and regulations
– abide by any disciplinary sanctions that might be imposed on me
– promote this code of conduct to other players, especially those new to the sport of crown green bowls
I will not:
Ø consume alcoholic drinks or illegal substances either immediately prior to or whilst playing at National level and will not consume excessive amounts of alcohol after the game
Ø offer or attempt to offer, or accept either directly or indirectly, any consideration whatsoever with a view to influencing the result of any match
As an Official I will:
– be affiliated to the WCGBA and comply with all rules, regulations and requirements of the sport including any leagues and competitions
– respect the rights, dignity and worth of all people involved in crown green bowls, regardless of gender, marital status, sexual orientation, race, colour, nationality, ethnic origin, disability, age, occupation, religion or political opinion.
– not abuse or misuse any relationship of trust or position of power or influence held by me within my team, club, League, Society, Area or National Association
– always conduct myself in an appropriate manner
– treat all players, coaches and officials with respect, never bully or take unfair advantage
– control my temper; I understand that verbal and physical abuse of coaches, players, spectators, or other officials is not acceptable or permitted behaviour in crown green bowls
– be a positive role model for crown green bowls by acting in a way that projects a positive image of the WCGBA and being fair, considerate and honest with players
– display high standards in my language, manner, punctuality, preparation and presentation ensuring that an player’s time spent with me is a positive experience
– provide players with structured guidance appropriate to their needs and goals, ensuring equal attention and opportunities are available to all
– exercise reasonable care and skill when carrying out my duties
– comply with all anti-doping policies and regulations
– abide by the “safeguarding guidelines” for children, young people and vulnerable adults
– promote this code of conduct to other Officials especially those new to the sport of crown green bowls
I will not:
Ø consume excessive amounts of alcoholic drinks or consume illegal substances around players at National level
Ø offer or attempt to offer, or accept either directly or indirectly, any consideration whatsoever with a view to influencing the result of any match
- The Association shall be called the Welsh Crown Green Bowling Association (“WCGBA”) and shall be the national governing body for the sport of Crown Green Bowls in Wales.
- These rules and bye-laws (“rules”) shall be read in accordance with the WCGBA Constitution.
- Officers and Management
3.1 The Officers of the WCGBA shall be:
- The President
- The Deputy President
- The Chairman
- The Vice-Chairman
- The Chief Executive Officer
- The Financial Officer
- The Secretary
- The Players Registrar
- The Tournament Officer
- The Marketing & Media Officer
- The Development Officer
- The Press Officer
- The Safeguarding Lead Officer
- The Website Manager
- The BCGBA Representative
- The Open Competitions Registrar
- The Disability Liaison Officer
3.2 The President and Deputy President shall be elected by the Members of the WCGBA at an Annual General Meeting. On a rotational basis each area bowling association shall nominate a representative for approval to the EGB to become the Deputy President, and subsequently President of the Association. Once approved the candidate shall be moved for nomination. If not approved, an area association shall be asked to nominate an alternative candidate.
3.3 The Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Chief Executive Officer, Financial Officer and Secretary shall be appointed by the EGB in accordance with the WCGBA constitution.
3.4 All other Officers shall be appointed by the Chief Executive Officer in conjunction with and approval from the EGB.
3.5 The management of the WCGBA will be undertaken by the Executive Governance Board (“EGB”), the terms of which are set out in the WCGBA constitution.
3.6 The sub-committees of the WCGBA shall be:-
- Area Bowling Associations
- The Development Committee
- The Finance Committee
- The National Performance Committee
- The Tournament Committee
- The Safeguarding Committee
3.7 Save for the Area Bowling Associations, Chairs for the Committees will be appointed by the EGB annually following the Annual General Meeting.
3.8 Save for the Area Bowling Associations, a minimum of two members of the EGB will sit on each of the above committees. Individuals may be invited to join any of the above committees where their expertise would assist in the running of the WCGBA.
3.9 The Code of Conduct for EGB Members, Officers and Committee Members can be found at Annex 1.
- Membership Regulations
4.1 the Categories of Membership are:
- Area Bowling Associations
- Bowling Societies
- Bowling Leagues
- Bowling Clubs
- Life members
4.2 Application for Membership of the WCGBA, save for life membership, can be made in writing to the Chief Executive Officer at any time. Recommendations will be made to the EGB with the final approval lying with the Members at the Annual General Meeting in the following calendar year.
4.3 Area status is a geographical area comprising of at least 20 bowling clubs. There are four geographical areas, namely:
- Flintshire
- Glyndwr
- Gwynedd
- Wrexham
4.4 The Bowling Societies of the WCGBA are:
- The Coaching Society
- The Referee’s Society
4.5 The Bowling Leagues of the WCGBA are set out in Annex 2.
4.6 The Bowling Clubs of the WCGBA are set out in Annex 3 together with their geographical boundary.
4.7 The Life Members of the WCGBA are set out in Annex 4.
4.8 Membership of the Executive Governance Board shall come from the Area Bowling Associations. Each area association shall have three representatives. Representatives shall be nominated in accordance with the Area Committees and with approval of the Chief Executive Officer and EGB.
- Subscriptions & Finance
5.1 The Chief Executive Officer and Financial Officer are responsible for the financial matters relating to the WCGBA.
5.2 The Financial Officer has conduct of the WCGBA finances.
5.3 Annual fees are as follows:
Type | Payable to | Amount
Membership Fee | WCGBA Financial Officer | £30.00 |
Club Affiliation Fee (BCGBA) | WCGBA Financial Officer | £15.00 |
Players Registration Fee (all Players registered with a Bowling League are liable) | WCGBA Players Registrar | £3.00 |
Fine for playing a non-registered play | WCGBA Financial Officer | £50.00 |
BCGBA Handbook | WCGBA Financial Officer | £2.50 |
BCGBA Individual Life Membership (if not previously paid) | WCGBA Players Registrar | £10.00 |
WCGBA Open Competition | WCGBA Financial Officer | £5.00 |
BCGBA Open Competition | BCGBA Chief Executive Officer | £10.00 |
Fine non-attendance at AGM or SGM of WCGBA | WCGBA Financial Officer | £20.00 |
Fine for not registering a WCGBA Open Competition | WCGBA Financial Officer | £10.00 |
Fee for registering an appeal | WCGBA Financial Officer | £50.00 |
5.4 All fees are payable by the 30th June in any calendar year.
5.5 If any Area Bowling Association, Bowling League or Bowling Club has not paid their Membership, Affiliation or Players Registration fee by the 30th June in any calendar year, then all players belonging to that Area, League or Club will not be allowed to participate in any tournaments / games played under the jurisdiction of the WCGBA.
5.6 If any club registers a player to play in any league without paying the Players Registration fee they shall be liable to a fine as set out in the list of Annual fees and that player shall forfeit each game played in that league and shall continue to do so until the Players Registration fee is paid.
5.7 If any Member, save for life members, has not provided the Chief Executive Officer with details of their annual insurance cover (including public liability) in accordance with the WCGBA constitution, they shall be suspended until such requirements are met in accordance with Bye-laws of the BCGBA (5(b)).
5.8 The Accounts of the Association shall be subjected to an annual independent inspection at the conclusion of the financial year.
5.9 The financial year ends on the 31st October.
5.10 Correct accounting records shall be kept by the Financial Officer with up-to-date financial statements and a report being provided at each Executive Governance Board Meeting.
5.11 At the end of the financial year and following the independent inspection of the accounts the Executive Governance Board shall be provided with the report from the appointed accountant.
5.12 The appointed accountant shall be the joint responsibility of the Chief Executive Officer and Financial Officer.
5.13 All payments by cheques must be signed by any two of the following: a) The Chief Executive Officer, b) The Financial Officer, c) The Chairman of the Executive Governance Board or, d) The Chair of the Finance Committee.
5.14 All expenses must be submitted to the Financial Officer for consideration. Payment of expenses will be in accordance with the WCGBA constitution. The current expenses policy for travel is:
- EGB Members & Officers 30p per mile
- Players 15p per mile
- Meetings
6.1 An Annual General Meeting shall take place in accordance with the constitution of the WCGBA.
6.2 The business of the Annual General Meeting will include:
- Minutes of the Previous Annual General Meeting
- Chief Executive’s Report
- Financial Officer’s Report
- Independent Financial Report on the Accounts
- Appointment of WCGBA Accountant
- Election of the President & Deputy President of the WCGBA
- Election of Deputy President of the BCGBA (when applicable)
- Election of Deputy President of the BCGLBA (when applicable)
- Any notice of motion (as set out in the Constitution)
6.3 Any other General Meeting is also set out in the constitution of the WCGBA.
6.4 Meetings of the Executive Governance Board shall take place in accordance with the WCGBA constitution.
6.5 Sub-committees will be responsible through their Area Association of nominated Chair for organising their own meetings. All recommendations from sub-committees need the approval of the EGB either through delegated responsibility or approval.
- Tournaments
7.1 Promoters of bowling contests inviting or accepting entries WITHIN the WCGBA must apply to the Open Competitions Registrar and pay an annual fee set out in the Annual Fees table at least 28 days prior to the commencement of the contest. The application must state the name of the Club and the venue where the contest is being held. Such contests shall be deemed “Open Contest” to all members of the WCGBA. Promoters of such contests must display on entry forms and all forms of publicity relating to the event the words “Affiliated to and approved by the WCGBA,” the maximum number of entries, the entry fee and the total prize money. Promoters accepting male and female entries must clearly indicate that it is a mixed competition. Promoters must ensure that all contestants have a valid BCGBA registration card. Any contestants that do not have a valid BCGBA registration card must be debarred from the competition and reported to the WCGBA. Any promoter failing to notify the Open Competitions Registrar will be liable to a fine as set out in the Annual Fees Table.
7.2 Promoters of bowling contests inviting or accepting entries from bowlers outside the WCGBA, must apply to the BCGBA as well as the WCGBA and pay the appropriate fee as set out in the Annual Fees Table (see bye-law 11 in the BCGBA handbook). Promoters must ensure that all contestants have a valid BCGBA registration card. Any contestants that do not have a valid BCGBA registration card must be debarred from the competition and reported to the WCGBA.
7.3 The Tournament Officer through the Tournament Committee is responsible for organising and running annual events promoted by the WCGBA. A calendar of events will be published annually informing what tournaments will be taking place together with closing dates.
7.4 The rules for WCGBA tournaments are at Annex 5.
7.5 First consideration must be given by all affiliated clubs to the WCGBA’s requirements to use of greens. The WCGBA shall have first claim on any green selected for use in their Tournaments, provided that fourteen days’ notice is given to the Secretary of the Club whose green has been chosen by the Tournament Officer and / or Tournament Committee. There shall be no charge by the club to the WCGBA.
7.6 Players dress at WCGBA tournaments shall be in accordance with the BCGBA bye-law 25 in the BCGBA handbook.
- Team Honours
8.1 Team Honours apply to the following WCGBA teams and players selected to represent those teams:
- Senior Team
- Ladies Team
- Junior Team
- Men’s Veterans Team
- Ladies Veterans Team
- Ladies Junior Team
8.2 The method of selection in relation to the above-mentioned Teams shall be determined by the National Performance Committee.
8.3 The WCGBA has first call and priority to select any Player who is a member of any Club affiliated to any Area Association, to play in any BCGBA / BCGLBA County Championship or any BCGBA / BCGLBA Merit (including reserves) or sanctioned event. A written notice will be sent to the player.
8.4 Any player wishing to be excused from playing for the WCGBA in such matches defined in 8.3 must write to the WCGBA Chief Executive Officer, providing an adequate reason for not accepting the honour, within three days. If any player fails to make such an application and fails to appear at any event, they cannot be considered for selection again or participate in any competitions run under the jurisdiction of the WCGBA or participate in any competition as a representative of the WCGBA until they have appeared in person before a committee nominated by the WCGBA Executive Governance Board.
8.5 Any player chosen to represent the WCGBA cannot play for their Club in a league match or in a competition on the day of any event, unless the player has received permission from the Chief Executive Officer.
8.6 Any Club having two or more members selected as players, reserves or Officials in any BCGBA / BCGLBA County Championship or International Match or any Area Association match shall have the right to postpone and re-arrange a league match within the stipulated time determined by the Rules of that League.
8.7 Players and Officials must be prepared to completely fulfil their playing and social obligations to the WCGBA before they undertake any other commitments, which are confirmed and approved by the WCGBA Chief Executive Officer.
8.8 First consideration must be given by all affiliated Clubs to the WCGBA’s requirements to the use of greens. The WCGBA shall have first claim on any green selected for use in their Team Matches, provided that fourteen days notice is given to the Secretary of any Club whose green has been chosen. There shall be no charge by the Club to the WCGBA.
8.9 Players dress shall be in accordance with BCGBA bye-law 25 in the BCGBA handbook.
- Disciplinary and Appeals
9.1 The Disciplinary and Appeals Procedures can be found at Annex 6.
9.2 The Disciplinary and Appeals Procedures define the responsibilities of all the organisations and individuals incorporated within and affiliated to the WCGBA. As the National Governing Body the WCGBA is the arbiter of discipline, behaviour and performance within the sport in Wales.
9.3 The Code of Conduct at Annex 7 lays out the basic requirements in terms of individual responsibility.
9.4 It is the duty and responsibility of all clubs, leagues, societies and Area Associations, through their officials and the WCGBA, through the EGB and officers, to ensure that the WCGBA Code of Conduct is made known to all players and is strictly implemented.
9.5 Any bowler, whether a registered or social player at club level, all affiliated clubs, all affiliated leagues, all affiliated societies, Area Associations, any member of the EGB and WCGBA officials can be brought into the WCGBA disciplinary procedure.
9.6 It shall be misconduct of any Area Association, League, Society, Club, Official or player is proved to the satisfaction of the EGB to have committed any act (including violation of the Laws of the Game and Rules of the WCGBA and / or BCGBA) or made any statement either verbally or in writing or been responsible for conduct or any matter which, in the opinion of the EGB, is considered to be ungentlemanly, insulting, or improper behaviour or likely to bring the game into disrepute.
9.7 On misconduct being proved to the satisfaction of the EGB, they shall have the power to order the offender to be suspended from all or any specified competitions of events for a period of time that the EGB shall consider appropriate. The EGB in addition to suspensions, shall have the power to impose fines up to a maximum of £50.00, cautions or reprimands as the occasion demands.
- Safeguarding
10.1 The WCGBA as a member of the British Crown Green Bowling Association has adopted policies and procedures through the Bowls Development Alliance (“BDA”).
10.2 The English Short Mat Bowling Association, the English Bowling Federation, the British Crown Green Bowls Association, Bowls England and the English Indoor Bowling Association are all part of the Safeguarding Bowls group alongside and the under the umbrella of the BDA to ensure that the sport is kept safe for everyone to play.
10.3 This means that the five National Governing Bodies and their affiliated members follow the same policy, guidelines and templates which will be available to all clubs regardless of which format is played.
10.4 County Safeguarding Leads and Club Welfare Officers across the various codes are able to access training to support them in their role and provide them with knowledge and information on any action they would need to take if a concern was raised within their club.
10.5 For access to the Safeguarding Bowls website please access the link through the WCGBA website at www.wcgba.com or direct www.safeguardingbowls.org
10.6 The following policies are available:-
- Safeguarding Policy at Annex 8
- Safeguarding Guidelines Document at Annex 9
- Safeguarding Templates Document at Annex 10
- Adults at Risk Policy at Annex 11
- Anti Bullying Statement at Annex 12
10.7 Any allegations in respect of Child Protection and Vulnerable Adults should be referred to the WCGBA Safeguarding Lead Officer of the WCGBA Chief Executive Officer.
10.8 The WCGBA fully accepts its legal and moral obligation to exercise its duty of care and to protect ALL children and vulnerable adults participating in its activities and to safeguard their welfare. The Association is committed to doing this by acknowledging that:
- the welfare of the individual is paramount
- each individual, irrespective of age, gender, religion, race or disability has the right to protection from abuse
- each individual has a right to be safe and treated with respect and dignity.
10.9 The WCGBA shall use it best endeavours to ensure that:
- all allegations of abuse are taken seriously
- the response to them is swift and appropriate
- the effectiveness is reviewed through the BDA
- a responsible person is appointed annually as Safeguarding Lead Officer, to whom members can address any concerns,
10.10 All Area Associations MUST nominate a Safeguarding Officer whose duty is to ensure that the list of Welfare Officers in their area is kept up to date. The Area Safeguarding Officer will be responsible for the administration and collation of the DBS forms and to ensure that the information is correct during the verifying process. They are responsible for passing these on to the WCGBA Counter-Signatory (the WCGBA Secretary) for submission to the DBS. They will be responsible for passing the information on any breaches of or concerns regarding the Safeguarding policies to the Chief Executive Officer and to the Safeguarding Committee for investigation.
10.11 All clubs MUST nominate a Welfare Officer by April 1st of any year and inform the Area Safeguarding Officer by this date to allow for the relevant DBS check to be carried out. Failure by any club to comply with this procedure will result in the affiliation of that club to the Area and the WCGBA being withdrawn.
10.12 If the Welfare Officer of any club resigns after April 1st, that club must inform the Area Safeguarding Officer immediately and nominate a new Welfare Officer within ONE MONTH to allow for the relevant DBS check to be carried out. Failure by any club to comply with this procedure will result in the affiliation of that club to the Area and the WCGBA being withdrawn.
10.13 When appropriate seminars in Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults, to outline the policy and procedures of the WCGBA (through the BDA), are held in the club’s own area the Nominated Welfare Officers are expected to attend unless a valid reason can be given.
10.14 The WCGBA has established a Safeguarding Committee which has responsibility to deal with serious cases contravening the Safeguarding policies emanating at any level of the WCGBA. The Committee will receive information from the WCGBA Safeguarding Lead Officer and where appropriate the Area Safeguarding Officers and Club Welfare Officers. The Committee will agree on how the issue is resolved. The Committee will minute its deliberations and decisions and report these to the WCGBA EGB.
- Complaints
11.1 The policy for dealing with general complaints can be found at Annex 13.
11.2 The policy for dealing with persistent or vexatious complaints can be found at Annex 14.
11.3 The policy for dealing with EGB member or committee member grievances can be found as part of Annex 1.
- Executive Governance Board powers
12.1 In the event of any questions or matters arising, which are not provided for in the Constitution or Rules, such questions or matters shall be dealt with by the Executive Governance Board whose decision shall be final.
Code of Conduct
Executive Governance Members,
Officers and Committee Members
The Welsh Crown Green Bowling Association (“WCGBA”) recognises the huge contribution made by voluntary Executive Governance Board Members (“EGB Members”), Officers and Committee Members to the Association. The purpose of this Code is to maintain high standards of conduct, assist EGB Members, Officers and Committee Members in their voluntary role and to protect the best interests of the Association. Conduct within the WCGBA is driven by core values and objectives:
1.1 promote Crown Green Bowling in Wales with particular regard to uniformity in the game;
1.2 provide Members with advice and assistance in connection with Crown Green Bowling;
1.3 represent and protect the interests of Members with the BCGBA and BCGLBA
1.4 provide Crown Green Bowls related education, training and other services to the Members and to the Public;
1.5 undertake all other things that are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objectives.
This Code of Conduct for EGB Members, Officers and Committee Members is part of the WCGBA overall set of codes.
EGB Members, Officers and Committee Members should hold their position primarily for their knowledge, skills set and experience and their ability to actively contribute to the running of the WCGBA.
- to act in accordance with the WCGBA constitution, and to use powers only for the purposes for which they were conferred
- to promote the success of the WCGBA for the benefit of its members
- to exercise independent judgment
- to exercise reasonable care, skill and diligence
- to avoid conflicts of interest
- not to accept benefits from third parties
- to declare to the WCGBA’S other EGB Members any interest an EGB Member has in a proposed transaction or arrangement with the WCGBA (this also applies to Officers and Committee Members).
As an EGB Member, Officer or Committee Member I will:
ü promote and embed the values, aims and policies of the WCGBA
ü act only in the interests of WCGBA and not on behalf of any constituency or interest group (the knowledge and understanding that each Board member brings from their own experience is highly valued but Board members are not allowed to act as representatives of any constituency or interest group)
ü establish and maintain robust and comprehensive governance processes and regulations
ü actively contribute to the effective work of the Board by:
o thorough preparation and reading all papers which have been circulated prior to meetings;
o regular attendance, participation and contribution at meetings including constructive challenge;
o ensuring timely response to agreed actions, requests for information and guidance from fellow EGB Members and the CEO;
o attend the AGM and any other General Meetings as well as WCGBA events (as and when required)
o deal with issues of clarification “offline” before Board meetings if it relates to a Board agenda item and maintain a sharp focus on agenda items in meetings, to ensure meetings run to time and that time is utilised to best effect
ü attend meetings of Committees and Advisory/Working Groups which I either Chair or sit in membership
ü attempt to reach decisions by consensus
ü attend relevant training events and take reasonable steps to ensure that I am aware of the development of public policy and other issues which may affect the role and work of WCGBA
It is vital that EGB Members, Officer and Committee Members:
- listen and respect the views of others
- seek positive and constructive resolution to those issues where differences in opinion exist and where a vote is taken accept the decision of the majority
- respect the office of the Chairman of the meeting, to ensure the orderly conduct of meetings
- observe the highest ethical standards of impartiality, integrity and objectivity in relation to the stewardship of funds and the management of WCGBA
- act in a way considered to be in good faith and would be most likely to promote the success of the WCGBA for the benefit of its members as a whole
- maximise value for money through ensuring that services are delivered in the most economical, efficient and effective way, within available resources
- maintain focus on the strategic development of WCGBA through planning, prioritising, performance monitoring and evaluation
- take lead responsibility for any of the delegated Committees and Advisory/Working Groups when required and as directed by the Executive Governance Board, Chairman or CEO
- support fellow EGB Members and the CEO in their leadership of the organisation
- seek to work effectively with the CEO [and vice versa] to advise, guide, enable and support
- respect the rights, dignity and worth of all people involved in the WCGBA, regardless of gender, race, marital status, colour, disability, sexuality, age, occupation, religion or political opinion
- at all times act as an ambassador and advocate for WCGBA promoting the Association’s key messages and always presenting the Association and its people in a positive light
I will not
Ø attempt to exercise individual authority over WCGBA other EGB Members, Officers or Committee Members and volunteers except as explicitly set forth in Board policies (including lead responsibility areas)
Ø consume alcoholic drinks or illegal substances or smoke during Board meetings or Committee Meetings
Declarations of Interest
All Board members are required to:
- complete and sign the Declaration of Interests form(s)
- ensure that private or personal financial interest never influences their decisions
- ensure that they do not use their position as a Board member for personal gain
- disclose to the CEO or Chair any direct or indirect pecuniary interest or other interests which are not pecuniary but which could influence judgment or give the impression that the Board or EGB Member was acting for personal motives
- note that the Chairman of Board meetings has the right to request that a EGB Member withdraws from any meeting or any part of a meeting when any such conflict of interest exists
In the event of an EGB Member considering that another Board member has an interest which should be disclosed, he/she has a duty to report that matter immediately to the CEO or Chairman of the meeting.
EGB Members, Officers and Committee Members should not pass any information gained through their involvement with WCGBA to a third party without the approval of the Chair.
Outside Activities
EGB Members, Officers and Committee Members should consider themselves at all times as being potentially regarded as ambassadors of WCGBA and should, therefore, ensure that none of their other activities has the effect of bringing the WCGBA into disrepute.
EGB Members, Officers and Committee Members’ conduct may be considered to be unsatisfactory when a breach this Code or legal obligations has occurred.
In cases where there is concern that a Board member’s, Officer’s or Committee Member’s conduct may be considered unsatisfactory, the following procedure will be adopted:
- The CEO will arrange for an investigation of any allegation of misconduct to be undertaken to establish the facts
- The CEO will invite two members of the Executive Governance Board to form a Misconduct Panel with him to consider the facts and to determine what action should be taken; if the complaint concerns the CEO then the Chair of the EGB will convene the Panel
- The Panel will determine what action shall be taken
- The action that will be taken will depend upon the seriousness of the misconduct and any previous misconduct
In cases of serious misconduct, the Panel will seek a voluntary resignation from the Board, Officer Post or Committee and if such resignation is not forthcoming, formal procedures will be taken in accordance with WCGBA Disciplinary Procedures.
A Board member, Officer or Committee Member has the right to appeal against any decision made and may make an appeal by writing to the Chair of the Executive Governance Board within 14 days of being notified of the decision by the Misconduct Panel setting out the grounds on which they are appealing.
The full Executive Governance Board (excluding the original Panel members and any appellant Board member) will hear any such appeal. The Chair may request up to two additional members of the organisation, with relevant experience, to be seconded, with voting rights, for the appeal meeting if the remaining members of the Board do not have a quorum. A Board member will act as Chairman of the appeal discussion and the Board’s decision will be final.
In cases where the CEO feels it is appropriate, he may suspend the relevant member from attendance at meetings of the Board and any Committees while the matter is being investigated.
Board Member Grievances
This procedure for individual grievances covers those matters which are specific to the EGB Member in relation to his/her service as a Board member not to any general grievances.
If the Chair has a grievance about another Board member, he/she should raise the matter directly with the Board member in question. If no resolution is found, the Chair will raise the matter in writing, to the Vice Chair, who will investigate and determine the appropriate course of action in consultation with the Officers.
If an EGB Member wishes to raise a grievance, they should write to the Chair setting out the reasons for the Grievance.
If the grievance relates to another Board member or the CEO, the Chair should investigate and determine the appropriate course of action. If the grievance relates to the Chair, then the Vice Chair should receive the grievance in writing, investigate and determine the appropriate course of action. If the grievance is in relation to an Officer or Committee Member the CEO will investigate and determine the appropriate course of action.
If the EGB Member is not satisfied with the reply which would normally be sent within 14 days of the original grievance, they may appeal to the Chair or Vice Chair if they have been dealing with the grievance, in writing outlining the grounds for the appeal.
The appeal will be referred to a Board Grievance Appeals Panel; the composition of this panel will be determined by the Chair or Vice Chair if the original grievance was concerning the Chair, and will comprise of three members of the Board.
Appeals will normally be heard within 14 days of lodging the appeal. The decision of the panel is final; there is no further appeal under any circumstances.
I confirm that I have read and understand this Executive Governance Board, Officer and Committee Member Code of Conduct document:-
Signed ……………………………………………….. Date ……………………………………..
Print Name………………………………………………
This agreement reflects the hopes and intentions of the WCGBA and the volunteer agreeing to take on this role.
WCGBA Affiliated Leagues
Anglesey / Bangor & District
Betws-yn-Rhos Winter
Bradley Winter
Clwydian Senior Citizens
Clwydian Wednesday Ladies
Colwyn & Llandudno and District
Deeside Veterans
Flintshire Midweek
Gwynedd Seniors
Mon-Menai Bowls Federation
North Wales Veterans Bowling Association
North Wales Coast
Vale of Clwyd Midweek
Welsh Counties
Wrexham Saturday
Wrexham Pairs
Wrexham Veterans
1. Airbus
2. Argoed
3. Aston
4. Bagillt
5. Broughton & Bretton
6. Caerwys
7. Carmel
8. Castell Alun
9. Cilcain
10. Coed Talon
11. Connah’s Quay
12. Copperfields
13. Flint, Coleshill
14. Fron Park
15. Gladstone
16. Greenfield
17. Halkyn
18. Hawkesbury
19. Hoole Alexander Cheshire
20. Leeswood
21. Mancot
22. Mold Rec.
23. Nercwys
24. New Brighton
25. Northop Hall
26. Oakenholt
27. Pentre Broughton
28. Penymynydd & Pennyffordd
29. Rhydymwyn
30. Saltney
31. Sychdyn
32. Treuddyn
1. Abergele
2. Betws-yn-Rhos
3. Bryn Newydd
4. Colwyn Bay Royal British Legion
5. Denbigh, Lower Park
6. Dyserth
7. East Parade
8. Eirias Park
9. Grove Park
10. Kinmel Bay
11. Llysfaen
12. Meliden
13. Min-y-Don
14. Mochdre
15. Old Colwyn
16. Prestatyn, Highbury
17. Rhos on Sea
18. Rhos Park
19. Rhuddlan
20. Rhyl
21. St Asaph City
22. Sunny Rhyl
23. Trefnant
1. Bala
2. Bangor City
3. Beaumaris
4. Benllech
5. Bethesda
6. Blaenau Ffestiniog
7. Caernarfon Town
8. Conwy
9. Craig-y-Don
10. Criccieth
11. Dwygyfylchi
12. Holyhead
13. Llandrillo
14. Llandudno
15. Llanfair PG
16. Llanfairfechan
17. Llangefni
18. Llanrwst
19. Menai Bridge
20. Peibio
21. Penmaenmawr
22. Penrhyn New Hall
23. Pen-y-Groes
24. Tywyn
25. Vardre
1. Bangor-on-Dee
2. Bersham Sports
3. Bradley
4. Brymbo
5. Ceiriog Valley
6. Chirk AAA
7. Coedpoeth
8. Cunliffe Arms
9. Ellesmere Shropshire
10. Esclusham
11. Farndon Cheshire
12. Flexsys
13. Garden Village
14. Gate Hangs High
15. Gresford Colliery
16. Gresford Village
17. Johnstown
18. Llay Miners
19. New Broughton
20. Parciau
21. Plas Kynaston
22. Ponciau Banks Park
23. Rossett
24. Royston
25. Ruabon
Peter Higham – WCGBA.
John D Lloyd – WCGBA
Tom Middlehurst – Flintshire
David Walker – Flintshire
Mike Barrodale – Glyndwr
Jim Paton – Glyndwr
David T Evans – Gwynedd
David W Hughes – Gwynedd
Mrs Brenda Jones – Wrexham
John Percy – Wrexham
The General rules below apply to all WCGBA Competitions
1. Players entering Welsh Crown Green Bowling Association competitions MUST be bona-fide members of a Bowling Club affiliated to one of the four Areas within the WCGBA area AND have paid the necessary WCGBA Registration Fee for the current year AND be in possession of a valid British Crown Green Bowling Association Life Membership card.
2. ALL entries are to be submitted by an authorised method together with the entrance fee, the amount of which will be determined by the WCGBA Tournament Committee and must be returned by the closing date as advertised.
3. All venues are decided or ratified by the Tournament Committee Prizemoney for all competitions shall be determined by the WCGBA Tournament Committee.
4. ALL players must adhere to the strict dress code as laid out in the British Crown Green Bowling Association handbook. Any player failing to conform to this standard shall score NIL and the opponent shall receive the maximum score.
5. Competitors will not be allowed to practice greens once they are selected other than in League or Cup matches previously arranged. In the event of a player doing so, they will be disqualified. This also applies to qualifiers selected to appear on any finals day. A playing member of the venue club is barred from competing in the qualifying rounds or on finals day on any green of which that player is a club member. It is the players’ responsibility to ensure that he notifies the Tournament Officer prior to the competition if this is the case. Any player not being in attendance at the time previously notified will be scratched.
6. It shall be noted that under no circumstances will a player, already beaten in a competition, be allowed to qualify for a finals day as a “best loser”. In such an event, that player will be disqualified from taking part on finals day and the Area Secretary concerned will be requested to explain their reasons for doing so to the Chief Executive Officer of the WCGBA.
7. The number of jacks in play at any one time shall, under normal circumstances, be FOUR. The Official-in-Charge on the day shall have the discretionary power to increase or decrease the number, depending on the circumstances, such as shortage of time due to inclement weather.
8. The WCGBA Tournament Committee reserves the right to select the number of qualifiers for the BCGBA / BCGLCC in accordance with the allocated number of qualifiers selected by the BCGBA / BCGLCC.
9. Any referees and measurers officiating shall be appointed by the WCGBA Referees’ Society.
10. Players may be subject to random testing for drugs, subject to the relevant regulations.
11. Any dispute not provided for in the rules shall be resolved by the Official-in-Charge on the day, whose decision shall be final.
1. The competition shall be held annually and will be open to male bowlers only.
2. After the closing date, which shall be previously advertised, the Tournament Committee will make the draw and allocate the players to one of eight venues. Once the draw has been made the Area Secretaries will notify the Secretaries of all the players’ clubs. The Tournament Officer will forward the draw to the Website Manager for posting on the WCGBA website. This will be completed 7 days after the closing date.
3. The qualifying rounds shall be played on eight greens selected by the Tournament Committee. Four greens will be selected for entries from the Flintshire / Wrexham areas with the remaining four greens being selected for the entries from the Glyndwr / Gwynedd areas. Games to be played on the third Saturday in May. ALL games shall be 21-up. On completion of the qualifying rounds, each Official in Charge shall notify the Tournament Officer of each qualifier’s name, address and telephone number to assist him in the making of the draw for finals day and to notify the qualifiers concerned.
4. The number of qualifiers on finals day shall be 32, made up of four qualifiers from each of the eight venues. The venue for finals day will be selected by the President of the WCGBA subject to Tournament Committee ratification.
5. Prizemoney will be distributed on completion of each round for the 1st and 2nd rounds only. Prizemoney for the quarter-finals, semi-finals and final will be distributed after completion of the competition.
6. The winner shall be presented with the Gwyn Morris Senior Cup (donated by Messrs. Ind Coope) and shall be the Welsh Senior Merit Champion.
7. The winner and runners up shall represent Wales in the British Senior Individual Merit Championship in line with the qualifier numbers advised by the BCGBA for the qualifying year.
1. The competition shall be held annually and will be open to female bowlers only.
2. ALL games shall be 21-up.
3. The venue for finals day will be selected by the President of the WCGBA. subject to Tournament Committee ratification.
4. The winner shall be presented with Ladies Individual Merit Cup and shall be the Welsh Individual Merit Champion.
- The winner and runners up shall represent Wales in the British Ladies Senior Individual Merit Championship in line with the qualifier numbers advised by the BCGBA for the qualifying year.
1. The competition shall be held annually and will be open to male and female bowlers who have not reached the age of 18 years before January 1st in the year that the competition is played.
2. ALL games to be 21 –up.
3. The venue for finals day will be selected by the Deputy President of the WCGBA. subject to Tournament Committee ratification.
(a) The overall winner shall be presented with the Don James Welsh Junior Championship Shield
(b)The female winner shall be presented with the Ken Hardman Trophy (a) The winner and runner-up will qualify for the BCGBA Junior Individual Merit Finals Day.
(b) The female winner will qualify for the British Crown Green Ladies Competition Committee Junior Individual Merit Finals Day.
1. The competition shall be held annually and shall be open to male and female bowlers who have attained the age of 60 years prior to the commencement of the Competition.
2. The venue of finals day shall be determined by the immediate Past President of the WCGBA subject to Tournament Committee ratification.
3. The qualifying rounds shall be played in each of the FOUR respective Areas. Greens will be chosen by each respective Area Secretary. ALL games shall be 21-up, off 3. On completion of the qualifying rounds, each Area Secretary shall notify the Tournament Officer of each qualifier’s name, address and telephone number to assist him in the making of the draw for finals day and to notify the qualifiers concerned. The Tournament Officer shall forward the draw for finals day to the Website Manager for posting on the WCGBA website.
4. The number of qualifiers on finals day shall be 16.
5. The winner shall be presented with the trophy (known as the Barbers Cup – donated by Chris the Barber)
6. The winner and runner up shall qualify for the BCGBA Jack and Jean Isherwood final day as Welsh qualifiers.
1. The competition shall be held annually and shall be open to female bowlers.
2. There MUST be a minimum of eight (8) entries submitted by the closing date for the competition to be held.
3. ALL games shall be 21-up, off 3.
- The venue for finals day will be selected by the Tournament Committee
- The winner shall be presented with Ladies Pairs Merit Cup and shall be the Welsh Pairs Merit Champion.
- The event shall also be a qualifying event for the Dorothy Piearce Pairs Competition organised by the British Crown Green Ladies Bowling Association as Welsh qualifiers. The number of qualifiers are determined each year by the BCGLBA. If the winners do not wish to attend as qualifiers the allocated place(s) shall be offered to the runners-up and so forth until the allocated place(s) is filled.
1. The competition shall be held annually and shall be open to pairs consisting of one female bowler and one male bowler.
2. There MUST be a minimum of eight (8) entries submitted by the closing date for the competition to be held.
3. ALL games shall be 21-up, off 3.
- The venue for finals day will be selected by the Tournament Committee
- The event shall also be a qualifying event for the Centenary Mixed Pairs Competition organised by the BCGBA as Welsh Qualifiers. The number of qualifiers are determined each year by the BCGBA. If the winners do not wish to attend as qualifiers the allocated place(s) shall be offered to the runners-up and so forth until the allocated place(s) is filled.
1. The Welsh Club Championship shall be held annually and shall consist of FOUR teams, each having won their respective Area County Cup.
2. Teams for this event will consist of EIGHT players and each team shall submit to the Chief Executive Officer at least 14 days prior to the event, a squad list, with a maximum of TWELVE players, from which all teams must be selected. Players are only allowed to play in one Welsh Area (Flintshire, Glyndwr, Gwynedd & Wrexham) County Cup. Should a player be in default, they will forfeit their game by the score of 21-0 and the matter will be reported to the WCGBA Chief Executive Officer for further consideration.
3. All games to start at 11.00 am. The draw will be made by the WCGBA Tournament Committee prior to the event and will be published on the WCGBA website.
4. Captains must submit in writing, in the order of play (1 to 8), their team, to the Chief Executive Officer, including the reserves, at least 14 days prior to the event. Individual players may be substituted by a named reserve, but any such changes must be declared to the Official-in-Charge on the day and the opposing Captain. Once all teams have been submitted the draw and order of play shall be released.
5. The venue will be selected by the previous Past President subject to Tournament Committee ratification.
6. The order of play shall be as follows:-
Semi-Final:- Players numbered 1 & 2 from the four teams shall commence the match. On completion of a game, the next pair in sequence to follow.
Final:- Players numbered 1 to 4 shall commence the match. On completion of a game, the next pair to follow.
ALL players must be present and available to take the green when called. If a player is not present at this time, their opponent will be awarded the game 21-0.
7. In every match, the toss of a coin shall determine the cast of jacks (odds and evens). In each match, the team with the highest aggregate shall be the winner. In case of a tie, the following order of elimination shall apply:-
Tie on aggregate – the team with the most winners.
If still a tie – the team with the best winner.
If still a tie – the 2nd, 3rd, 4th best winner etc.
8. The winning team of the Welsh Club Championship shall receive the Welsh Club Championship Cup which must be returned, suitably engraved, to the Tournament Officer, by the latest, the 31st August in the following year.
9. Both the winner and runner-up shall be eligible to go forward to the World Club Championship the following year.
1. The Welsh Veterans Club Championship shall be held annually in the area of the current Past President of the Welsh Crown Green Bowling Association.
2. The venue will be determined by the Past President.
3. The competition shall consist of FOUR teams, which shall be determined by the respective Areas. Each team put forward must have won a league or cup held by that respective area. Teams must be nominated to and approved by the WCGBA Tournament Committee.
4. Teams for this event will consist of EIGHT players with a maximum of TWELVE players, from which all teams must be selected. All players must be over 60 years of age and have played at least 3 matches for the team.
5. All games to start at 11.00 am. The draw will be made by the WCGBA Tournament Committee prior to the event and will be published on the WCGBA website.
6. Captains must submit in writing, in the order of play (1 to 8), his or her team, to the Tournament Officer, including the reserves, by the 20th September in the competing season. Individual players may be substituted by a named reserve, but any such changes must be declared to the Official-in-Charge on the day and the opposing Captain. Once all teams have been submitted the draw and order of play shall be released.
7. The order of play shall be as follows:-
Semi-Final:- Players numbered 1 & 2 from the four teams shall commence the match. On completion of a game, the next pair in sequence to follow.
Final:- Players numbered 1 to 4 shall commence the match. On completion of a game, the next pair to follow.
ALL players must be present and available to take the green when called. If a player is not present at this time, his/her opponent will be awarded the game 21-0.
8. In every match, the toss of a coin shall determine the cast of jacks (odds and evens). In each match, the team with the highest aggregate shall be the winner. In case of a tie, the following order of elimination shall apply:-
Tie on aggregate – the team with the most winners.
If still a tie – the team with the best winner.
If still a tie – the 2nd, 3rd, 4th best winner etc.
9. The winning team of the Welsh Veterans Team Championship shall receive the Welsh Veterans Team Championship Cup on the day which must be returned, suitably engraved, to the Tournament Officer, by the latest, the 31st August in the following year.
1. The competition shall be held annually the venue of which shall be determined by the Welsh Crown Green Bowling Association Tournament Committee.
2. There shall be 16 qualifying events which shall be determined annually by the WCGBA Tournament Committee. At least four of the places shall be offered to the WCGBA Merit winners, namely: The Gwyn Morris Senior Individual Merit, The Ladies Individual Merit, The Don James Junior Merit and the Veterans’ Merit. There shall be a further reserve list of 8 events which are also determined by the WCGBA Tournament Committee. Should any qualifier be unable to attend on the final day or if they should have qualified twice, then that place shall be offered to a reserve event competitor, in strict order.
3. The WCGBA Tournament Committee shall make the draw at least 14 days prior to the event and shall place the draw on the WCGBA website.
- The venue will be selected by the previous Past President subject to Tournament Committee ratification.
5. ALL 16 qualifiers shall receive prizemoney.
Prize-money will be distributed on completion of each round for the 1st and 2nd rounds only. Prize-money for the semi-finals and Final will be distributed after completion of the Competition.
The winner shall be presented with the WCGBA Champion of Champions Cup (donated by Co-Operative FuneralCare) for twelve months and shall be the Welsh Champion of Champions.
Revised and March 2024
What constitutes a Disciplinary Matter?
In very simple terms a disciplinary complaint can arise if any rule, regulation, procedure or agreement that is in place is “broken” in some way that leads to a problem.
The points below expand on this simple explanation highlighting the main areas that might give rise to a disciplinary complaint:
- any breach, failure, refusal or neglect to comply with a provision of
- the Constitution, Rules, Byelaws, or Code of Conduct;
- any policy, resolution or determination of the Welsh Crown Green Bowling Association (“WCGBA”) Executive Governance Board and any and all of its subcommittees;
- any rules and regulations of an event including match day / event misconduct, anti-doping or safeguarding;
- any refusal or neglect to comply with the rules and regulations of the British Crown Green Bowling Association or WCGBA; or specific Area Bowling Association, Bowling Society or Bowling League regulations; or
- failure to abide by the terms of any agreement notified to members including the provision of any facilities entered into by the WCGBA on behalf of members;
- breaching any terms of reference, codes of conduct, regulations or other general policies of the sport;
- conduct that is disgraceful or opposed to the general interests of the WCGBA or the sport (including, without limitation, conduct that brings the sport into disrepute, discriminatory conduct, harassment and inappropriate behaviour);
- behaviour that is otherwise considered generally unacceptable and contrary to the conduct expected of a member or a registered participant or anyone acting in any other capacity on behalf of the WCGBA;
- behaviour that is or is likely to be prejudicial to the smooth running of an event organised by or on behalf of the WCGBA or any event that the WCGBA is associated with;
- any other matter raised by or about a member, registered participant or anyone acting in any other capacity on behalf of the WCGBA which raises concerns with the Executive Governance Board.
Criminal offences
Any matter that is brought to the attention of the Chief Executive Officer or the WCGBA Safeguarding Lead Officer where any Disciplinary Panel on investigation decides that the matter should be dealt with by the Police will be referred accordingly. Any action to be brought by way of the WCGBA disciplinary procedures may be suspended until the outcome of the criminal investigation is determined.
Where should Discipline be addressed?
Disciplinary issues and complaints are usually dealt with at the most local and suitable place and should only be advanced upwards from Local to Region to National if the individual circumstances warrant transfer.
Anti doping regulations
The WCGBA has adopted unconditionally the ‘UK Sport Anti-Doping Rules’ and all matters regarding Doping shall be dealt under such ‘UK Sport Anti-Doping Rules’ which shall take precedence over the Disciplinary Procedures. Further information on all matters relating to the Anti-doping Regulations may be found at www.ukad.org.uk .
Safeguarding Procedures and Policies
In all cases where there is concern about the safety or protection of children or vulnerable adults, the matter must immediately be referred to the WCGBA Safeguarding Lead Officer.
WCGBA Safeguarding Procedures and Policies, when appropriate, shall take precedence over the Disciplinary Procedures. Further information on all matters relating to the welfare of children and vulnerable adults may be found at www.wcgba.com or direct at www.safeguardingbowls.org
- Jurisdiction of Powers
The Welsh Crown Green Bowling Association (“WCGBA”) has the power and jurisdiction to act in relation to all disciplinary matters as advised in the constitution, including holding inquiries and imposing penalties and sanctions or to take such action as it sees fit, concerning all organisations and individuals incorporated within and affiliated to the WCGBA. The WCGBA is the National Governing Body and arbiter of Discipline, Behaviour and Performance within the sport in Wales. The WCGBA jurisdiction covers:
- Members (Clubs, Leagues, Societies, Associations & Life Members)
- sport participants
- coaches and referees
- Executive Governance Board, Officers and Committee members
- and volunteers in the sport of crown green bowls in Wales
Charges can be brought against any of the above, subject to a written complaint being submitted. Then the Secretary or a nominated person of the Club, League, Society or Association must record such complaints. The responsibility to investigate such complaints in a fair and transparent manner rests with the Club, League, Society or Association. It is imperative that Clubs, Leagues, Societies and Associations ensure that their Disciplinary Procedures are clearly drawn up and that such procedures are made known to those to whom they pertain.
Where a matter cannot be solved at Club level it may be necessary to have that matter referred to the appropriate League, Society or Association for resolution and decision.
The responsibility of the WCGBA will be directly involved only when complaints originate from:
- Tournaments affiliated or approved by the WCGBA;
- Where there is an allegation of bringing the game into disrepute;
- Where the complaint originates in an event which is the responsibility of or is organised by the WCGBA;
- Matters pertaining to when a player is selected or is nominated to represent Wales and fails to appear without an adequate and acceptable reason;
- Where the misdemeanour concerns a member of the WCGBA Executive Governance Board (“EGB”) or one of the WCGBA officers;
- Where one of the four Area Associations is faced with misconduct of so serious a nature that the Area and its Executive Officers wish to have the matter dealt with by the WCGBA.
2. WCGBA Initial procedure on receipt of a written complaint
2.1. Complaints must be acknowledged on receipt and dealt with as quickly as possible by the Chief Executive Officer (“CEO”). Keeping in contact with the Complainant (the person making the complaint) is important during these early stages.
2.2. The CEO examines the complaint to decide if there is sufficient initial evidence of a breach of the rules, regulations and code of conduct by the Respondent(s) (the person/s complained about) being careful and thorough in their consideration of the initial evidence. The CEO then makes a decision about what happens next.
2.3. The CEO shall decide if the complaint:
- is required to proceed formally;
- should be dealt with informally because it is not severe enough to warrant full disciplinary measures;
- is rejected as a disciplinary matter because
o it is either invalid within the WCGBA disciplinary procedures;
o it should be dealt with under a different set of regulations, such as Anti-doping;
o it should be dealt with by another authority including but not limited to the Police for criminal matters. Any action to be brought by way of the WCGBA disciplinary procedures may be suspended until the outcome of any criminal investigation is determined.
2.3.1. In all cases where there is concern about the safety or protection of children, the matter must immediately be referred to the WCGBA Safeguarding Lead Officer. Safeguarding Procedures and Policies, when appropriate, shall take precedence over the Disciplinary Procedures.
2.4. The CEO having studied the complaint and carried out preliminary investigation(s) will report the matter to the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the EGB and indicate the action he is recommending within 7 days.
2.5. The CEO shall advise the Complainant of the decision, the information given and the timeframe may vary depending on the decision made:-
2.5.1. if the decision is to take no further action the case is then closed once the Complainant has been informed and there is no right of appeal by the Complainant;
2.5.2. if the decision is to refer the matter to be dealt with under different WCGBA regulations the Complainant is advised accordingly of the transfer;
2.5.3. if the decision is to proceed using the disciplinary route the notification to the Complainant is delayed to coincide with the notice given to the Respondent so that both are made aware at the same time.
3. Interim sanctions
3.1. The CEO will refer any request to apply interim sanctions to the EGB Chair in the first instance, if in agreement the EGB Chair shall raise the matter immediately with the EGB for approval.
3.2. An interim sanction may consist of, without limitation, a suspension from membership (and associated rights) and/or a prohibition of any person or club taking part in any capacity in any WCGBA activity including competing, officiating, coaching, management, attending meetings, volunteering at clubs or competitions or from attending events being held under WCGBA jurisdiction.
3.3. The only criteria to be used when deciding whether an interim sanction is appropriate are:-
3.3.1. the matter is considered sufficiently serious and
3.3.2. there is a need to protect the interests and the credibility of the WCGBA or
3.3.3. to protect the rights of an individual, or individuals whether identifiable or not against potential harm.
- Formation of Disciplinary Panel
4.1. The CEO shall ensure that a Disciplinary Panel (DP) is formed immediately once a decision has been reached.
4.2. The DP shall be made up of three (3) individuals, who are the members of the EGB, Officers of the WCGBA, Life Members or Executive Officers of Area Associations. The CEO shall appoint the DP Chair and appoint a Recorder to record panel proceedings.
4.3. The CEO shall notify the DP of a suitable date, time and place for the hearing.
4.4. The names of the DP members will be notified to the Respondent at the same time as the Notice of Hearing is sent.
4.5. Members of the DP shall so far as possible have no connection with the Respondent or the Complainant and they shall not be involved in the complaint.
4.6. The three people appointed to the panel must be:
- free of prejudice or bias and not have an interest in the outcome, other than to see that the decision is fair; and
- careful and thorough in their consideration of the procedures and all evidence.
4.7. It should be clearly understood that all appointed members of the DP are deemed to be unbiased, fair and fully conversant with the principles of natural justice unless it is proved to the contrary.
5. Notice of Hearing
5.1. The CEO shall be responsible for ensuring due notice is provided to all parties involved in these disciplinary proceedings including all times, dates and venues (unless delegated otherwise due to a conflict of interest of the CEO).
5.2. The Respondent must be given at least 14 days’ notice of the Hearing date.
5.3. Any person appearing before the DP as a Respondent must be made aware in advance of the Hearing of the complaints to be answered and the need, where appropriate, to provide evidence in corroboration or rebuttal in answering the allegations.
5.4. When sending the Respondent the Notice of Hearing the CEO must:-
5.4.1. notify the Respondent the names of the DP and ask if there is any objection to the DP members;
5.4.2. provide a copy of the Disciplinary Regulations that will be used;
5.4.3. provide copies of any evidence that has been received to date;
5.4.4. ask if the allegations are admitted if the allegations are admitted then the DP will not convene a full Hearing but will progress directly to determining any sanctions unless the Chair of the DP decides otherwise; if the allegations are disputed the Respondent is asked to provide the names and full contact details of any person that they may wish to provide evidence in this matter as well as the name and contact details of anyone that they wish to accompany them to the Hearing;
5.5. The Respondent has 7 days to object to any members of the DP stating the full grounds for the objection.
5.5.1. The objection shall be considered by the Chair of the DP unless the objection is against the Chair when the CEO shall decide in consultation with the remaining DP member(s).
5.5.2. If in the opinion of the Chair of the DP, (or if 5.5.1 applies) the grounds for objection to any member of the panel are frivolous, unfounded or ill-informed, the objection shall be rejected.
5.5.3. If there is agreement with the objection an alternative appointment will be made forthwith and the date of the hearing shall be postponed to a date no less than 7 days after the date of any such alternative appointment.
5.5.4. This decision regarding the objection shall be final.
5.6. It shall be the duty of the Complainant and Respondent to notify and arrange for the attendance of any witness they may wish to call at the Hearing.
- Pre Hearing Timetable
6.1. The CEO may issue directions as he thinks fit relating to the procedural aspects in the period leading up to the Hearing in order that the Hearing of the case itself may be properly and fairly conducted. Directions may include, but shall not be limited to the procedure and timetable for:
6.1.1. the production, inspection and/or exchange of documents or property;
6.1.2. the submission of the names and details of the witnesses the parties concerned wish to call; and
6.1.3. the exchange of witness statements and outline arguments.
6.2. The conduct of any disciplinary hearing held under these procedures shall be determined by the Chair of the DP. [It should be noted that the DP is not governed by rules of court or legislative provision however Chairs must ensure at all times that common sense, fairness and natural justice prevails.]
6.3. The CEO shall notify all the parties of any directions made relating to 6.1 and 6.2 above.
6.4. All documents provided to the parties and to the members of the DP shall be used only for the purposes of the disciplinary Hearing and the determination of the DP and any appeal against the findings of the DP.
6.5. All documents must be kept strictly confidential and it shall amount to a disciplinary matter for one party to make use of the material supplied under these procedures for a purpose unconnected with the proceedings.
6.6. The CEO shall notify each of the parties to the proceedings of the names of the other party’s witnesses and the name and status of any representative who will be presenting a Respondent’s case or acting as an advisor.
6.7. It should be clearly understood that travel or other expenses will not be paid by the WCGBA to Respondents, Complainants, their legal/technical representatives or witnesses in these matters.
6.8. The Respondent may request in writing an adjournment of the hearing date within 7 days of being notified, a detailed statement of the reasons for the request must be supplied. The request will be considered and a decision made by the Chair of the DP.
6.9. In making any order to adjourn, the Chair of the DP shall bear in mind not only the interests of the party seeking the adjournment but also the interests of any other party including the complainant, witnesses and the WCGBA.
6.10. The Chair of the DP will determine the date, time and place of any adjourned hearing.
6.11. The CEO shall in advance of the hearing send to the Chair of the DP the record of any previous offences of the Respondent. This shall be supplied in a sealed envelope which shall be opened only in the event that the DP find that the charge is proven and they are considering the appropriate sanction.
- Procedure at a Disciplinary Panel Hearing
7.1. The hearing shall take place in private.
7.2. The CEO will be in attendance and where necessary shall represent the WCGBA.
7.3. The Chair of the DP may request an independent person to act as adviser to the DP if he feels that it is necessary bearing in mind all the circumstances surrounding the case, e.g. a technical, legal, equality or other such advisor.
7.4. The procedure during the Hearing shall be flexible and at the discretion of the Chair of the DP who may make such decisions as necessary to ensure the orderly and effective conduct of the Hearing.
7.5. Any Respondent(s) who fails to attend the hearing will be in breach of these disciplinary procedures which will constitute a serious disciplinary offence. The Hearing will proceed to consider the matter and the DP Panel shall have the same powers to reach decisions and sanction in their absence.
7.6. The Chair of the DP should explain the procedure before a hearing commences to all parties involved and give everyone an opportunity to ask questions on matters of procedure which are not clear to them.
7.7. Any Respondent(s) appearing before the DP must be given an accurate copy of any document(s) setting out the complaint at the start of the Hearing, even if this has previously been provided.
7.8. All hearings shall be conducted in a fair and orderly manner with each party having a reasonable opportunity to give and call evidence, address the DP and present their case.
7.9. The DP Chair has the discretion to adjourn the Hearing if required to a time and place notified to all concerned if there is a good reason to do so.
7.10. Any person who wilfully misleads a DP will be liable to disciplinary action.
- Decisions
8.1. The DP shall come to a decision as soon as possible following the Hearing but in all cases within 7 days.
8.2. The decision will be either that the complaint is proved or rejected. If rejected no further action is taken against the Respondent; if proved the DP shall decide on any sanctions required.
8.3. The decision of a DP may be appealed by the Respondent only.
- Sanctions
9.1. Sanctions may include, but shall not be limited to:
9.1.1. a written warning; and/or
9.1.2. an order specifying certain training to be undertaken; and/or
9.1.3. an order requiring an individual to be monitored in specific matters; and/or
9.1.4. a requirement to change the rules or regulations of a Club, League, Society, Association or other relevant body; and/or
9.1.5. a suspension from any or all other activities under the jurisdiction of WCGBA, which may include suspension from a specified number of events or for a period of time. Where a period of suspension is imposed on an individual respondent, the DP shall decide the date of commencement of the suspension and shall have power to provide for one or more breaks in the period of suspension; and/or
9.1.6. a fine; and/or
9.1.7. recommendation to the EGB for expulsion from the WCGBA; or
9.1.8. any other appropriate sanction which may be levied from time to time.
9.2. In assessing any sanction, the DP must take into account, and give credit for, the fact that the Respondent pleaded guilty or otherwise admitted any material fact(s) and any factors which the Respondent has put forward in mitigation.
9.3. Where a suspension from the WCGBA or from activities under the jurisdiction of the WCGBA is imposed, the wording and the exact dates of the suspension must be clear and specific.
9.4. Any period of suspension imposed may be back-dated to take into account any interim sanction which may have been imposed.
9.5. All necessary steps shall be undertaken to ensure that the sanction is complied with in every way.
9.6. Any sanction, including partial or full suspension by a DP shall be binding on all aspects of the WCGBA.
10. Fees and Costs
10.1. The Chair of the DP may, at their sole discretion, make an order for the costs of the Hearing to be paid, in such proportion as they may decide, by any of the parties to the Hearing. These costs may include expenses reasonably incurred in the preparation or holding of the Hearing and in attending any Hearing and otherwise in presenting or defending the case. In calculating the amount of such a sum, no legal representation or professional charges may be included in the costs by any party or the WCGBA.
10.2. Such orders for payments of costs shall not form any part of or influence any fines.
- Procedure following a Disciplinary Hearing
11.1. The Chair of the DP shall report its findings to the CEO as soon as reasonably practicable, but within 7 days in all cases.
11.2. The Chair of the DP in consultation with the CEO shall write to all parties involved setting out the decision and brief reasons thereof and any sanctions imposed.
11.3. The WCGBA will be entitled to publish the decision of the DP in such a manner as it considers appropriate 14 days following the notification of the decision, unless an Appeal is lodged, when the decision shall not be published until the appeal has been decided.
11.4. The CEO shall maintain a record of all offences and sanctions; all correspondence, documents, witness statements and minutes of the hearing shall be kept in the event they are required at a later appeal or otherwise in secure conditions for 6 years.
11.5. All the paperwork relating to any disciplinary matter conducted by a club / League / Society / Area should be sent to the CEO of the WCGBA for retention in line with 11.4.
11.6. The Respondent must be provided with information in writing outlining the process for any appeal at the time that the decision is advised unless the complaint is rejected.
12 Right of Appeal
12.1 All disciplinary matters must be dealt with fairly and equitably. At Club, League, Society and Association it is imperative that an Appeals procedure be drawn up and that it is made known as appropriate.
12.2 Only where appeals are made against decisions at League, Society or Area Association level will that appeal be referred to the WCGBA for final arbitration and decision.
12.3 Any appeal against the decisions of a WCGBA Disciplinary Panel shall continue to the BCGBA under their Bye-Laws: Protests, Appeals and Deposits. The decision of a Disciplinary Panel may be appealed by the Respondent only.
13 Procedure dealing with an Appeal
13.1 Any appeal should be sent in writing, to the Chief Executive Officer (“CEO”) within 7 days of the decision and must set out the grounds of the appeal in detail explaining why the Respondent disagrees with the decision. The grounds so stated cannot be amended except with the agreement of the Appeal Panel Chair appointed to hear the appeal.
13.2 Any appeal must be accompanied by the appropriate fee which will be either retained by the WCGBA or returned if the appeal is upheld or not taken forward.
13.3 The monetary level of the appropriate fee shall be set by the Executive Governance Board (“EGB”) in the first instance and reviewed every three years; the appropriate fee may be varied only with EGB approval.
14 Constitution of the Appeal Committee
14.1 The CEO will set up an Appeals Committee (AC) made up of three (3) individuals, who are senior members of the EGB, WCGBA Officers or Life Members. The CEO shall appoint a Chair and two others and a Recorder to record committee proceedings.
14.2 No person who has taken part in any way with the disciplinary decision being appealed may be appointed to the AC.
14.3 The AC will hear the appeal no later than 14 days after the receipt of the appeal by the CEO.
15 Notice of Appeal Hearing
15.1 Notice of the appeal hearing date, time and place and the names of the members of the AC shall be sent to the Appellant no later than 14 days prior to the date of the hearing.
15.2 The Appellant(s) shall be entitled, within 7 days of being so notified, to lodge an objection with the CEO against any member of the AC who can be shown to have a direct personal involvement or interest in the matter. The Appellant(s) shall provide appropriate evidence in support of any such claim. The CEO will review the appointment and if in agreement with the objection [consulting if appropriate with the Chair of the EGB] shall be automatically authorised to make an alternative appointment forthwith. The date of the hearing shall be postponed to a date no less than 7 days after the date of any such alternative appointment.
15.3 It should be clearly understood that all appointed members of the AC are deemed to be unbiased, fair and fully conversant with the principles of natural justice unless it is proved to the contrary.
16 Appeal Pre–hearing timetable and procedure
16.1 Not less than 7 days prior to the date of the appeal hearing the Chair of the original Disciplinary Panel responsible for the decision which is the subject of the appeal shall provide to the CEO a written statement for the Appeals Committee use only, detailing (as appropriate):-
- The circumstances of the alleged breach or misconduct
- The decision taken
- Any appropriate justification or explanation
- The information that was considered in reaching the original decision (e.g. regulations, reports, correspondence)
16.2 The CEO shall ensure that all relevant information is provided to the Appellant(s), and to all members of the AC, in good time prior to the Appeals Committee meeting (ideally at least 3 days prior to the meeting, but if this is not possible due to a short notification requirement then as soon as practical prior to the start of the meeting).
16.3 An adjournment request cannot be made by the Appellant, unless there are exceptional circumstances.
17 Procedure at Appeal Hearing
17.1 The hearing shall take place in private.
17.2 The CEO shall be present and where necessary shall represent the WCGBA.
17.3 The Appellant(s) may present to the AC whatever written submission they consider appropriate. The Appellant(s) shall ensure that the members of the Appeals Committee receive this information at least 3 days prior to the meeting, to give them an opportunity to study the submission.
17.4 The Appellant(s) shall not, under any circumstances, enter into any discussion with any member of the AC, either in person or through an intermediary, prior to the appeal being heard. Any member of the committee who is approached improperly is bound to notify the Chair immediately and may be required to stand down as a member of the committee at the discretion of the Chair. Any wilful breach of this clause by the Appellant(s) shall be considered as misconduct and may subsequently lead to disciplinary action, but such action should not be considered until the outcome of the appeal is heard.
17.5 When the Appellant is an individual they may be accompanied by one person of the Appellant’s choice. Where the Appellant is a Club, League, Society or Area Association it may be represented by two of its members.
17.6 The Chair of the Appeals Committee should ensure that the appeal is heard in a manner that allows all parties to state their case fairly and the Committee may, if they so choose, invite a technical adviser (for example, a respected senior official, lawyer or accountant) to be present, if they consider that this would be of assistance to the hearing of the appeal.
17.7 During the course of the hearing the Appellant is allowed to provide direct representation to the committee and/or to answer committee questions, the Appellant is not allowed to ask questions of the committee or any other party.
17.8 It is not appropriate for the Appellant(s) and the other parties to be present simultaneously. No form of cross-examination should be permitted.
17.9 If any of the parties do not attend the hearing, the matter may be dealt with by the Appeal Committee in the absence of that party taking into account any written representations that may have been received.
18 Appeal Decisions
18.1 Once the appeal has been heard, the AC will consider its decision and will, upon the making of the decision, recall the Appellant(s) into the meeting and advise the Appellant(s) of that decision. No further discussion is permitted at that time, and the Appellant(s) will then leave the meeting.
18.2 In exceptional circumstances the AC may decide that they are unable to reach a decision at the time and decide to reconvene to consider further on a subsequent occasion. However, the decision should be reached and reported within 7 days of the decision being made.
18.3 The decision of the AC can be appealed to the British Crown Green Bowling Association under their procedures noted at 12.3.
18.4 The AC may decide that the allegations against the Appellant are upheld. If so, the record of previous offences, if any, of the Appellant shall be opened and read out before the AC considers the imposition of a penalty.
18.5 The AC shall have the power to reduce, increase, quash, or confirm the penalty imposed by the previous Disciplinary Panel and/or may substitute for it any other sanction which would have been available to the Disciplinary Panel; and/or make such other order or determination as it may think right or just.
18.6 The AC may direct any party to the Appeal to bear the administrative costs of holding the Appeal where it considers it fair and just to do so.
19 Procedure following an Appeal Hearing
19.1 The AC, supported by the CEO, should following their notification of the decision to the Appellant then advise other interested parties who have been present at the appeal of the decision. No further discussion is permitted related to the matter at that time.
19.2 The Appeals Committee will confirm to the Appellant(s) and the other interested parties, including the Disciplinary Panel Chair, if appropriate, the decision in writing as soon as possible.
19.3 The WCGBA will be entitled to publish the decision of the AC in such a manner as it considers appropriate 14 days following the notification of the decision to the Appellant.
19.4 The WCGBA shall maintain a record of all decisions of the AC; all correspondence, documents, witness statements and minutes of the hearing shall be kept in secure conditions for a period of at least 6 years.
20 Shortening of the Appeal Process
20.1 Where it is necessary to expedite the consideration of the appeal, the Chair of the AC may vary certain of the above conditions but if this action is intended, then the Appellant(s) should be advised and given an opportunity object to the proposal to modify the procedure.
20.2 Normally, the modification should not be carried through against the wishes of the Appellant(s), except where the objection by the Appellant(s) is without just cause.
Code of Conduct
The Welsh Crown Green Bowling Association (“WCGBA”) has a Code of Conduct across the sport. The WCGBA requires the highest standards of conduct from everyone involved in crown green bowling to ensure that their behaviour and actions meet the values and standards expected of them at all times.
All levels of members of affiliated clubs, leagues and area associations are at all times subject to this code of conduct and the associated disciplinary procedures.
Members are expected to conduct themselves in ways which display the following:-.
- Good standards of behaviour both on and off the green.
- A sporting approach to team colleagues, opponents, officials and spectators.
- Behaviour befitting good ambassadors for the Welsh Crown Green Bowling Association, its affiliates and the game of bowls.
Members must not:-
- Use abusive or threatening behaviour towards others.
- Harass, bully or abuse other persons, physically, verbally or electronically on internet sites or web pages
- Show any form of discrimination against other persons motivated by gender, marital status, sexual orientation, race, colour, nationality, ethnic origin, disability, age, occupation, religion or political opinion.
Any member of the Association’s clubs, leagues, societies and Area Associations who fail to uphold this Code of Conduct, thereby bringing themselves or the WCGBA into disrepute, shall be subject to disciplinary action. Abusive or threatening behaviour will not be tolerated.
In the first instance it is the responsibility of the parent club to ensure that members are aware of their obligations under this Code of Conduct. Thereafter all Leagues, Bowling Societies and Area associations are required to uphold and enforce it.
Dress Code
All players must pay attention to the dress code set out for each competition held under the auspices of the BCGBA, BCGLBA, the WCGBA, the Area Associations and the affiliated Leagues. Particular attention is drawn to the requirements for individual or team finals. Footwear should have flat soles with no heels or heavy grips.
National Team Representatives
Players and officials who represent their Country are in privileged and favoured positions. Their conduct and performance should accord with the status they enjoy. This assumes a mature and sensible approach and requires good preparation, sensible enjoyment, recreation and proper rest. Players should be fit to play and wear, with pride, the official Welsh shirt or blouse and badge as instructed by Team Officials.
National team officials should ensure compliance with player requirements and provide the leadership and organisational skills expected of their status.
As a Player I will:
ü be affiliated to the WCGBA and comply with all rules, regulations and requirements of the sport including any leagues and competitions in which I participate
ü respect the rights, dignity and worth of all people involved in crown green bowls, regardless of gender, marital status, sexual orientation, race, colour, nationality, ethnic origin, disability, age, occupation, religion or political opinion.
ü not abuse or misuse any relationship of trust or position of power or influence held by me within my team, club, League, Society, Area or National Association
ü always conduct myself in an appropriate manner
ü cooperate with my coaches, team mates, officials and administrators
ü never argue with an official during a match
ü control my temper; I understand that verbal and physical abuse of officials, coaches, spectators or other players, or deliberately distracting or provoking an opponent is not acceptable or permitted behaviour in crown green bowls
ü treat all players with respect, never bully or take unfair advantage of another player
ü work equally hard for myself and my team, show my determination and passion to learn and do well
ü display modesty in victory and graciousness in defeat
ü comply with all anti-doping policies and regulations
ü abide by any disciplinary sanctions that might be imposed on me
ü promote this code of conduct to other players, especially those new to the sport of crown green bowls
I will not:
Ø consume alcoholic drinks or illegal substances either immediately prior to or whilst playing at National level and will not consume excessive amounts of alcohol after the game
Ø offer or attempt to offer, or accept either directly or indirectly, any consideration whatsoever with a view to influencing the result of any match
As an Official I will:
ü be affiliated to the WCGBA and comply with all rules, regulations and requirements of the sport including any leagues and competitions
ü respect the rights, dignity and worth of all people involved in crown green bowls, regardless of gender, marital status, sexual orientation, race, colour, nationality, ethnic origin, disability, age, occupation, religion or political opinion.
ü not abuse or misuse any relationship of trust or position of power or influence held by me within my team, club, League, Society, Area or National Association
ü always conduct myself in an appropriate manner
ü treat all players, coaches and officials with respect, never bully or take unfair advantage
ü control my temper; I understand that verbal and physical abuse of coaches, players, spectators, or other officials is not acceptable or permitted behaviour in crown green bowls
ü be a positive role model for crown green bowls by acting in a way that projects a positive image of the WCGBA and being fair, considerate and honest with players
ü display high standards in my language, manner, punctuality, preparation and presentation ensuring that any player’s time spent with me is a positive experience
ü provide players with structured guidance appropriate to their needs and goals, ensuring equal attention and opportunities are available to all
ü exercise reasonable care and skill when carrying out my duties
ü comply with all anti-doping policies and regulations
ü abide by the “safeguarding guidelines” for children, young people and vulnerable adults
ü promote this code of conduct to other Officials especially those new to the sport of crown green bowls
I will not:
Ø consume excessive amounts of alcoholic drinks or consume illegal substances around players at National level
Ø offer or attempt to offer, or accept either directly or indirectly, any consideration whatsoever with a view to influencing the result of any match
Safeguarding children
Safeguarding adults
Club safeguarding officer job description
Safeguarding report form for adult victim
Safeguarding report for child victim
Safeguarding Allegation Reporting Form Person of Concern
Click here to download the consent form for parents and carers
Click here to download the Incident report form
Click here to download the travel consent form
Click here to download the Video photographic consent form for parents carers
Code of conduct for signing
Staying away
Bowls Development Alliance resources where all resources can be found
Policy for dealing with General Complaints
The Welsh Crown Green Bowling Association (“the WCGBA”) is responsible for setting and maintaining standards to members (including Life Members, Area Associations, Leagues, Societies, Clubs and players) and is committed to dealing with any complaint equitably, comprehensively and in a timely manner.
- Dealing with General Complaints
The emphasis of the General Complaints Procedures of the WCGBA will be on the early resolution of problems with a minimum of disruption to members.
- All complaints will be dealt with sympathetically, fairly and honestly.
- Responses to complaints will be as full and detailed as possible.
- If the WCGBA its Officers, Executive Governance Board (“EGB”) Members, committee members, volunteers or usual processes are found to be at fault that will be acknowledged and the complainant will be informed of any future action to be taken to prevent similar problems occurring again.
- General Complaints
A general complaint that is not linked in any way to an action that might be associated with a criminal, disciplinary, anti-doping or safeguarding offence is defined as:
- an expression of dissatisfaction about an action (or inaction) or decision (or policy) of the WCGBA as an Association, or by one of its Officers, or by an EGB Member or other volunteer acting in any capacity on behalf of the Association
- a complaint may initially be made verbally (the complainant will be asked to follow it up in writing in the majority of cases), or in writing, either by letter, fax or e-mail
- Who will deal with complaints
In all cases the complaint will be directed to the most appropriate person:
(See Table overleaf)
Person/body against whom complaint is made | Initial response | Response to the Complaint | Additional/subsequent response if complaint not satisfied |
The WCGBA or one or more of its Executive Governance Board or Officers | Standard letter, email or FAX confirming receipt of complaint and name of person to whom the complaint has been referred | Chief Executive | Chair of the EGB (unless the complaint is about the Chair then the matter will be referred to the Vice Chair) |
Chief Executive Officer | Chair of the EGB | EGB | |
Committee Members | Chair of the Committee (unless the complaint is about the Chair then the CEO) | CEO unless the CEO is the line manager then the matter will be referred to the Chair of the EGB | |
Person working on behalf of the WCGBA as a volunteer e.g. coach, tournament official, Selector, Team Manager | The Chair of the Committee member of responsible for the relevant area of work e.g. National Performance, Development, Finance etc. | CEO Chair or other EGB Member with lead responsibility |
- Process
All general complaints will be acknowledged in writing by letter, email or fax usually within 3 working days of receipt. The acknowledgement will confirm the person to whom the complaint has been directed and inform the complainant of the procedure that will be followed in dealing with the matter and if possible the likely timescale. A standard initial response format should be used.
The person receiving the complaint will either deal with it themselves or pass it to the appropriate person to deal with, as shown above.
The person dealing with the complaint will:
- Determine the facts of the matter as required – actions to determine the facts will vary on a case by case basis
- Keep the complainant informed of progress with regard to their complaint, particularly important if there is likely to be a delay in answering the complaint for any reason
- Write to the complainant answering their concerns and giving explanation(s) where appropriate within 14 days unless a longer period is required in order to obtain information
If the complainant is not satisfied with the response the person who has dealt with the complaint will endeavour to resolve any further issues raised and will respond again in writing.
In the event that the complainant is still not satisfied the complaint will be referred to the subsequent responder as indicated above or their equivalent. Any subsequent correspondence will be dealt with within the same timescales.
The WCGBA should not enter into lengthy and extended correspondence with the complainant once the original complaint and any subsequent substantive issues have been answered and/or resolved as far as the WCGBA is concerned. The Chief Executive or Chair of the EGB as appropriate should bring the matter to a close, in the most amicable way possible, if they believe that nothing will be gained by either party through continuance of the discussions.
Unreasonably Persistent or Vexatious Complaints
The Welsh Crown Green Bowling Association (“the WCGBA”) does not expect Officers or key volunteers to tolerate unacceptable behaviour by complainants at any time during the general complaints procedure. Unacceptable behaviour includes behaviour which is abusive, offensive or threatening and may include
- Using abusive or inappropriate language on the telephone or face to face
- Sending multiple emails
- Leaving multiple voicemails
Raising legitimate queries or criticisms of a complaints procedure as it progresses, e.g. if agreed timescales are not met, should not in itself lead to someone being regarded as a vexatious or an unreasonably persistent complainant.
Similarly, the fact that a complainant is unhappy with the outcome of a complaint and seeks to challenge it once, or more than once, should not necessarily cause him or her to be labelled vexatious or unreasonably persistent.
The WCGBA will take action to protect Officers and key volunteers from inappropriate behaviour. If a complainant behaves in a way that is unreasonably persistent or vexatious, this procedure will be followed.
The WCGBA defines unreasonably persistent and vexatious complainants as those complainants who, because of the frequency or nature of the complaints, they hinder the work of the Association. The description ‘unreasonably persistent’ and ‘vexatious’ may apply separately or jointly to a particular complainant. Examples include the way or frequency that complainants raise their complaint with Officers, or how complainants respond when informed of a decision about their complaint.
Features of an unreasonably persistent and/or vexatious complainant include the following (the list is not exhaustive, nor does one single feature on its own necessarily imply that the person will be considered as being in this category)
An unreasonably persistent and/or vexatious complainant may result from a combination of some or all of these features:
- have insufficient or no grounds for their complaint and be making the complaint only to annoy (or for reasons that he or she does not admit or make obvious)
- refuse to specify the grounds of a complaint despite offers of assistance
- refuse to co-operate with the complaints investigation process while still wishing their complaint to be resolved
- refuse to accept that issues are not within the remit of the general complaints policy and procedure despite having been provided with information about the scope of the policy and procedure
- refusal to accept that issues are not within the power of the WCGBA to investigate, change or influence (examples could be a complaint about a Sport Wales, or something that is the responsibility of another organisation)
- insist on the complaint being dealt with in ways which are incompatible with the complaints procedure or with good practice (e.g. that there must not be any written record of the complaint)
- make what appear to be groundless complaints about the person dealing with the complaints and seek to have them dismissed or replaced
- make an unreasonable number of contacts by any means in relation to a specific complaint or complaints
- make persistent and unreasonable demands or expectations of Officers and/or the complaints process after the unreasonableness has been explained to the complainant (an example of this could be a complainant who insists on immediate responses to numerous, frequent and/or complex letters, faxes, telephone calls or emails)
- raise numerous subsidiary or new issues whilst a complaint is being addressed that were not part of the complaint at the start of the complaint process
- introduce trivial or irrelevant new information whilst the complaint is being investigated and expect this to be taken into account and commented on
- change the substance or basis of the complaint without reasonable justification whilst the complaint is being addressed
- adopt an excessively ‘scattergun’ approach, e.g. pursuing a complaint or complaints not only with the WCGBA, but at the same time with Sport Wales, the Welsh Government, a Member of Parliament, their local council, elected councillors, the police, solicitors and/or any other body
- refuse to accept the outcome of the complaint process after its conclusion, repeatedly arguing the point, complaining about the outcome, and/or denying that an adequate response has been given
- make the same complaint repeatedly, perhaps with minor differences, after the complaints procedure has been concluded and insist that the minor differences make these ‘new’ complaints which should be put through the full complaints procedure
- persistently approach the WCGBA through different routes about the same issue
- persist in seeking an outcome which has been explained is unrealistic for legal or policy (or other valid) reasons
- refuse to accept documented evidence as factual
- complain about or challenge an issue based on a historic and irreversible decision or incident
If it is suggested that a complainant is acting in an unreasonably persistent or vexatious way the Chief Executive Officer (“CEO”) will ensure that the complaint is being, or has been, investigated properly according to the complaints procedure before any further action is taken.
The CEO will contact the complainant either by telephone, in writing or by email to explain why their behaviour is causing concern and ask them to change this behaviour. The CEO will explain the actions that the WCGBA may take if the behaviour does not change.
If the disruptive behaviour continues, the CEO will issue a reminder letter to the complainant advising them that the way in which they will be dealt with by the WCGBA in future will be restricted. The CEO will make this decision following consultation with the Chair of the WCGBA Executive Governance Board (“EGB”) and inform the complainant in writing of what measures have been put in place and for what period.
Any restriction that is imposed on the complainant’s contact will be appropriate and proportionate and the complainant will be advised of the period of time the restriction will cover. In most cases restrictions will apply for between 3 and 6 months but in exceptional cases may be extended. In such cases the restrictions would be reviewed on a quarterly basis.
Restrictions will be tailored to deal with the individual circumstances of the complainant and may include:
- prohibiting the complainant from making contact by telephone except through a third party acting on their behalf
- prohibiting the complainant form sending emails to individual(s) and/or all Officers and insisting they only correspond by letter
- requiring contact to take place with one named Official only
- restricting telephone calls to specified days / times / duration
- requiring any face to face contact to take place in the presence of an appropriate witness
- letting the complainant know that the WCGBA will not reply to or acknowledge any further contact from them on the specific topic of that complaint (in this case, a designated Officer should be identified who will read future correspondence)
When the decision has been taken to apply this policy to a complainant, the CEO will contact the complainant in writing (and/or as appropriate) to explain:
- why the WCGBA has taken the decision
- what action(s) are being taken
- the duration of that action
- the review process of this policy, and
- the right of the complainant to contact EGB Members about the fact that they have been treated as a vexatious/persistent complainant
Where the behaviour is so extreme or it threatens the immediate safety and welfare of Officers and/or volunteers the WCGBA will consider other options, e.g. reporting the matter to the police or taking legal action. In such cases, the WCGBA may not give the complainant prior warning of that action.
In every case, full and complete records of all decisions and actions will be maintained in line with the WCGBA Data Retention procedures or equivalent.
Below is a list of past presidents and CEO’s/Secretaries, but the records only go back to 1948 and 1963 and for the presidents that information is taken from the chain of office, if anyone has any more information about anyone who was president or secretary before these dates please let us know.
1948 – 1964 W.G. ROBERTS (Secretary)
1964 – 1990 RAY SPRINGFIELD (Secretary)
1990 – 2008 MEL HIGHAM (CEO)
2009 – 2013 IVOR WILLIAMS (CEO)
2013 – 2017 MATT FOSTER (CEO)
1963-64 F. BAKER
1965-66 H. OWEN
1967-68 J.R. RICH
1969-70 I. ROBERTS
1971-72 HUGH OWEN
1974-75 C. HOWERTH
1976 E.W. JONES
1977 J.A. PARRY
1978 D.E. DODD
1980 W. HOUGH
1981 J.M. BRAY
1982 W.A. JONES
1983 R.B. CONWAY
1984 D.E. DODD
1985 H. OWEN
1986 S. HIGHAM
1987 J.M. BRAY
1989 M. HIGHAM
1990 J.LL. LUNT
1991 G.E. HUGHES
1993 R.D. HUGHES
1994 C. ADAMS
1996 I. DAVIES
1997 P.G. JARVIS
1998 J. PERCY
1999 D.T. EVANS
2000 P. HIGHAM
2001 A.R. GREEN
2002 J.D. LLOYD
2004 J.F. WHITE
2005 J. PATON
2006 J.D. LLOYD
2007 D.W. HUGHES
2010 MRS. B. JONES
2013 P. SCOTT
2014 MRS. S. WEST
2017 MRS. D. PRICE
2018 MRS. B. JONES
2020 -2022 S. WALKER
2023 J. HUNT
1926 | J.E. LLOYD | Flint |
1927 | E.W. BOSTOCK | Prestatyn |
1928 | E. BRADBURY | Rhyl |
1929 | T. FOULKES | Northop |
1930 | E. KYFFIN | Turf |
1931 | H. SHAW | Coedpoeth |
1932 | T.B. JONES | Cefn Mawr |
1933 | BERT THOMAS | Parciau |
1934 | C.W. STEVENS | Shotton |
1935 | T. ROBERTS | Llandudno |
1936 | W. AMOS | Hawarden |
1937 | J.P.EVANS | Broughton |
1938 | CHARLIE PARRY | Grosvenor |
1939 | H. FRANCIS | Coedpoeth |
1940 | HARRY NEWBITT | Craig Y Don |
1941 | C. GATRELL | Shotton |
1942 | C.W. STEVENS | Shotton |
1943 | A. JONES | Mold |
1944 | JOHN GRIFFITHS | Parciau |
1945 | S. YALES | Shotton |
1946 | R.T. HUGHES | Bailey Hill |
1947 | BILL PARRY | Grosvenor |
1948 | W. GRUMMETT | Min Y Don |
1949 | ARTHUR I. NORFOLK | Parciau |
1950 | BILL PARRY | Grosvenor |
1951 | T. HUGHES | Courtaulds |
1952 | TOMMY WILLIAMS | Esclusham |
1953 | JACK H. PARRY | Turf |
1954 | D.L. JONES | Monsanto |
1956 | ERIC ASHTON | Abergele |
1957 | ERIC ASHTON | Abergele |
1958 | ERIC ASHTON | Abergele |
1959 | NORMAN WILLIAMS | Grosvenor |
1960 | HECTOR RODEN | Connahs Quay |
1961 | ERIC ASHTON | Abergele |
1962 | HECTOR RODEN | Connahs Quay |
1963 | GWYN MORRIS | Bangor |
1964 | D.L. JONES | Monsanto |
1965 | ROLEY HUGHES | Coedpoeth |
1966 | ERIC ASHTON | Abergele |
1967 | ASTLEY JONES | Holywell |
1968 | DON HUGHES | Rhos |
1969 | GARY ROBERTS | Deganwy |
1970 | BRYANT MERRICK | Sunny Rhyl |
1971 | GWYN MORRIS | Bangor |
1972 | GWYN MORRIS | Bangor |
1973 | CYRIL EVANS | Coed Talon |
1974 | BRYANT MERRICK | Sunny Rhyl |
1975 | GWYN MORRIS | Bangor |
1976 | MERWYN WILLIAMS | Turf |
1977 | JACK HUNT | Bailey Hill |
1978 | ALAN WARBURTON | Old Colwyn |
1979 | JACK HUNT | Bailey Hill |
1980 | WYN WILSON | Sunny Rhyl |
1981 | IVOR PARRY | Grosvenor |
1982 | MERFYN JONES | Rhos |
1983 | IVOR JONES | Min Y Don |
1984 | MERFYN JONES | Rhos |
1985 | DEREK CAUGHTER | Bangor |
1986 | IVOR G. WILLIAMS | Cons |
1987 | DES HEY | Coed Talon |
1988 | COLIN EVANS | Rhos Park |
1989 | JOHN O. EVANS | Denbigh |
1990 | GARETH M. WILLIAMS | Craig Y Don |
1991 | DAVE ROGERS | Llay |
1992 | IVOR JONES | Min Y Don |
1993 | BERWYN WILLIAMS | Dyserth |
1994 | GWERYDD BUCKLAND | Bangor |
1995 | COLIN EVANS | Rhos Park |
1996 | MIKE RILEY | Bailey Hill |
1997 | KEVIN NICHOLAS | Gresford Colliery |
1998 | KERRY JONES | Gresford Colliery |
1999 | GWERYDD BUCKLAND | Bangor |
2000 | DAVID A. JONES | Esclusham |
2001 | ROGER MORGAN | Craig Y Don |
2002 | KEVIN WHITLOW | Bailey Hill |
2003 | JOHN BAILEY | Llanrwst |
2004 | MARK PARRY | Llanrwst |
2005 | KEVIN NICHOLAS | Gresford Colliery |
2006 | GERAINT WILLIAMS | Rhos |
2007 | JOHN BAILEY | Llanrwst |
2008 | MIKE RILEY | Bailey Hill |
2009 | TREVOR HEATH | Sunny Rhyl |
2010 | ANTHONY BAILEY | Llanrwst |
2011 | NICKY JONES | Conwy |
2012 | CHRIS SLATER | C.R.B.L. |
2013 | JOHN BONATTI | Coed Talon |
2014 | JOHN BAILEY | Llanrwst |
2015 | LEIGHTON ROBERTS | Esclusham |
2016 | GRAHAM BENNETT | Cunliffe |
2017 | KEIRON ROBERTS | Esclusham |
2018 | JOHN BAILEY | Llanrwst |
2019 | GERAINT BOOTH | Llanfair P.G. |
2020 | NO COMPETITION | Coronavirus |
2021 | JOHN SHORT* | Bangor |
2022 | IAN M. JONES | Cunliffe |
2023 | JOE PRITCHARD | Llanwrst |
2024 | FRANCIS PENLINGTON | Broughton & Bretton |
*Unofficial Competition due to Coronavirus Restrictions
1986 | Viv Roberts | Rhydymwyn |
1987 | Nancy Jones | Rhuddlan |
1988 | Viv Roberts (2) | Rhydymwyn |
1989 | Lorraine West | Gate Hangs High |
1990 | Viv Roberts (3) | Rhydymwyn |
1991 | Nancy Jones (2) | Rhuddlan |
1992 | Betty Phillips | Colwyn Bay Cons |
1993 | Betty Phillips (2) | Colwyn Bay Cons |
1994 | Viv Roberts (4) | Rhydymwyn |
1995 | Olwen Edwards | Menai Bridge |
1996 | Betty Phillips (3) | Colwyn Bay Cons |
1997 | Jane Bowler | Colwyn Bay Cons |
1998 | Nicola Dolby | Aerospace |
1999 | Sarah Hey | Penyffordd |
2000 | Janet Jones | Old Colwyn |
2001 | Viv Roberts (5) | Sychdyn |
2002 | Sarah Hey (2) | Penyffordd |
2003 | Viv Roberts (6) | Sychdyn |
2004 | Jackie Ollerton | Rhos Park |
2005 | Lesley Williams | Sychdyn |
2006 | Amanda Nicholas | Gresford Colliery |
2007 | Nicola Dolby (2) | Airbus |
2008 | Jane Bowler (2) | Deganwy |
2009 | Jane Bowler (3) | Deganwy |
2010 | Linda Williams | Flint |
2011 | Jane Bowler (4) | Conwy |
2012 | Chris Beer | Gladstone |
2013 | Gay Cooper | Connah’s Quay |
2014 | Amanda Nicholas (2) | Gresford Colliery |
2015 | Sarah Hey (3) | Sychdyn |
2016 | Kelsey Morgan-Rowlands | Esclusham |
2017 | Gay Cooper (2) | Connah’s Quay |
2018 | Linda Williams (2) | Hawkesbury |
2019 | Jenny Hadwin | Trefnant |
2020 | NO COMPETITION | Coronavirus |
2021 | Linda Williams* | Hawkesbury |
2022 | Aileen Coleman | Esclusham |
2023 | Linda Williams | |
2024 | Linda Williams | Oakenholt |
*Unofficial Competition due to Coronavirus RestrictionsAileen Coleman
1992 | WYN WILSON | Sunny Rhyl |
1993 | BRYANT MERRICK | Sunny Rhyl |
1994 | FRANK PRYCE | Sychdyn |
1995 | R.S. COOKE | Gresford Village |
1996 | BRYANT MERRICK | Sunny Rhyl |
1997 | MERWYN WILLIAMS | Gresford Colliery |
1998 | GEORGE HARRISON | Coed Talon |
1999 | R.S. COOKE | Gresford Village |
2000 | DEREK FORRESTER | Broughton & Bretton |
2001 | GRANVILLE ROGERS | Gresford Colliery |
2002 | ALBERT JONES | Llanrwst |
2003 | ARNOLD EDWARDS | Parciau |
2004 | GRAHAM PRICE | Hawkesbury |
2005 | GRANVILLE ROGERS | Gresford Colliery |
2006 | DOUG BIDDLE | Coed Talon |
2007 | KEN PARRY | Beaumaris |
2008 | PETER LACEY | Coed Talon |
2009 | GERAINT EVANS | Gresford Colliery |
2010 | TOM ROBERTS | Gresford Colliery |
2011 | KEN PARRY | Hawkesbury |
2012 | COLIN EVANS | Rhos Park |
2013 | KEVIN NICHOLAS | Gresford Colliery |
2014 | GRAHAM BENNETT | Cunliffe |
2015 | JOHN BONATTI | Coed Talon |
2016 | JOHN BONATTI | Coed Talon |
2017 | GRAHAM JAMES | Esclusham |
2018 | GERAINT ROBERTS | Trefnant |
2019 | GARY ROBERTS | Craig Y Don |
2020 | NO COMPETITION | Coronavirus |
2021 | MIKE CHAMBERLAIN* | Trefnant |
2022 | ||
2023 | BARRY HARRIS | |
2024 | FRANCIS PENLINGTON | Broughton & Bretton |
*Unofficial Competition due to Coronavirus Restrictions
1972 | ||
1973 | ||
1974 | ||
1975 | ||
1976 | GERAINT JONES | Deganwy |
1977 | ||
1978 | ||
1979 | MEL HUGHES | Llandudno |
1980 | GARETH M. WILLIAMS | Craig-y-Don |
1981 | TIM HALLIWELL | |
1982 | GILES EVANS | |
1983 | KEITH WILLIAMS | Penmaenmawr |
1984 | DAVID A. JONES | Esclusham |
1985 | MIKE RILEY | Cunliffe |
1986 | MIKE RILEY | Cunliffe |
1987 | STEPHEN EDWARDS | Llay |
1988 | DAVID A. JONES | Esclusham |
1989 | CRAIG RICHARDSON | Sunny Rhyl |
1990 | IAN TAYLOR | Greenfield |
1991 | DAVID WILLIAMS | Llay |
1992 | DAVID GARSTON | Llay |
1993 | DAVID WILLIAMS | Llay |
1994 | DAVID WILLIAMS | Llay |
1995 | DYFED JONES-OWEN | Blaenau Ffestiniog |
1996 | JOHN BAILEY | Llanrwst |
1997 | GARETH FOSTER | Highbury |
1998 | GARETH FOSTER | Highbury |
1999 | ANDREW PEARCE | Chirk AAA |
2000 | GERWYN ROBERTS | Blaenau Ffestiniog |
2001 | LEWIS SCOTT | St Asaph |
2002 | GERAINT BOOTH | Llanfair P.G. |
2003 | BRYN HUGHES | Craig-y-Don |
2004 | MARK EVANS | Plas Kynaston |
2005 | IAN LEDGER | Parciau |
2006 | MICHAEL PRITCHARD | Llanrwst |
2007 | DANIEL JONES | Deganwy |
2008 | ALED OWEN | Blaenau Ffestiniog |
2009 | CHRIS ABLETT | Hawkesbury |
2010 | NICK JONES | Chirk AAA |
2011 | JAKE STANLEY | Beaumaris |
2012 | ADAM PENLINGTON | Bailey Hill |
2013 | DYLAN WILLIAMS | Llanfair P.G. |
2014 | JORDAN RILEY | Broughton & Bretton |
2015 | IEUAN PUGH | Esclusham |
2016 | SAM WILLIAMS | Coedpoeth |
2017 | SAM WILLIAMS | Cunliffe |
2018 | SAM WILLIAMS | Cunliffe |
2019 | RYAN P. WILLIAMS | Penmaenmawr |
2020 | NO COMPETITION | Coronavirus |
2021 | RYAN P. WILLIAMS* | Dwygyfylchi |
2022 | ||
2023 | KIAN THOMAS | |
2024 | JESS LACEY | Esclusham |
*Unofficial Competition due to Coronavirus Restrictions
The Welsh Crown Green Bowling Association (“WCGBA”) has a Code of Conduct across the sport. The WCGBA requires the highest standards of conduct from everyone involved in crown green bowling to ensure that their behaviour and actions meet the values and standards expected of them at all times.
All levels of members of affiliated clubs, leagues and area associations are at all times subject to this code of conduct and the associated disciplinary procedures.
Members are expected to conduct themselves in ways which display the following:-.
Good standards of behaviour both on and off the green.
A sporting approach to team colleagues, opponents, officials and spectators.
Behaviour befitting good ambassadors for the Welsh Crown Green Bowling Association, its affiliates and the game of bowls.
Members must not:-
1. Use Abusive or threatening behaviour towards others.
2. Harass, bully or abuse other persons, physically, verbally or electronically on internet sites or web pages
3. Show any form of discrimination against other persons motivated by gender, marital status, sexual orientation, race, colour, nationality, ethnic origin, disability, age, occupation, religion or political opinion.
Any member of the Association’s clubs, leagues and Area Associations who fails to uphold this Code of Conduct, thereby bringing themselves or the WCGBA into disrepute, shall be subject to disciplinary action. Abusive or threatening behaviour will not be tolerated.
In the first instance it is the responsibility of the parent club to ensure that members are aware of their obligations under this Code of Conduct. Thereafter all Leagues, Bowling Societies and Area associations are required to uphold and enforce it
Dress Code
All players must pay attention to the dress code set out for each competition held under the auspices of the BCGBA, BCGLBA, the WCGBA, the Area Associations and the affiliated Leagues. Particular attention is drawn to the requirements for individual or team finals. Footwear should have flat soles with no heels or heavy grips.
National Team Representatives
Players and officials who represent their Country are in privileged and favoured positions. Their conduct and performance should accord with the status they enjoy. This assumes a mature and sensible approach and requires good preparation, sensible enjoyment, recreation and proper rest. Players should be fit to play and wear, with pride, the official Welsh shirt or blouse and badge as instructed by Team Officials.
National team officials should ensure compliance with player requirements and provide the leadership and organisational skills expected of their status.
As a Player I will:
– be affiliated to the WCGBA and comply with all rules, regulations and requirements of the sport including any leagues and competitions in which I participate
– respect the rights, dignity and worth of all people involved in crown green bowls, regardless of gender, marital status, sexual orientation, race, colour, nationality, ethnic origin, disability, age, occupation, religion or political opinion.
– not abuse or misuse any relationship of trust or position of power or influence held by me within my team, club, League, Society, Area or National Association
– always conduct myself in an appropriate manner
– cooperate with my coaches, team mates, officials and administrators
– never argue with an official during a match
– control my temper; I understand that verbal and physical abuse of officials, coaches, spectators or other players, or deliberately distracting or provoking an opponent is not acceptable or permitted behaviour in crown green bowls
– treat all players with respect, never bully or take unfair advantage of another player
– work equally hard for myself and my team, show my determination and passion to learn and do well
– display modesty in victory and graciousness in defeat
– comply with all anti-doping policies and regulations
– abide by any disciplinary sanctions that might be imposed on me
– promote this code of conduct to other players, especially those new to the sport of crown green bowls
I will not:
Ø consume alcoholic drinks or illegal substances either immediately prior to or whilst playing at National level and will not consume excessive amounts of alcohol after the game
Ø offer or attempt to offer, or accept either directly or indirectly, any consideration whatsoever with a view to influencing the result of any match
As an Official I will:
– be affiliated to the WCGBA and comply with all rules, regulations and requirements of the sport including any leagues and competitions
– respect the rights, dignity and worth of all people involved in crown green bowls, regardless of gender, marital status, sexual orientation, race, colour, nationality, ethnic origin, disability, age, occupation, religion or political opinion.
– not abuse or misuse any relationship of trust or position of power or influence held by me within my team, club, League, Society, Area or National Association
– always conduct myself in an appropriate manner
– treat all players, coaches and officials with respect, never bully or take unfair advantage
– control my temper; I understand that verbal and physical abuse of coaches, players, spectators, or other officials is not acceptable or permitted behaviour in crown green bowls
– be a positive role model for crown green bowls by acting in a way that projects a positive image of the WCGBA and being fair, considerate and honest with players
– display high standards in my language, manner, punctuality, preparation and presentation ensuring that an player’s time spent with me is a positive experience
– provide players with structured guidance appropriate to their needs and goals, ensuring equal attention and opportunities are available to all
– exercise reasonable care and skill when carrying out my duties
– comply with all anti-doping policies and regulations
– abide by the “safeguarding guidelines” for children, young people and vulnerable adults
– promote this code of conduct to other Officials especially those new to the sport of crown green bowls
I will not:
Ø consume excessive amounts of alcoholic drinks or consume illegal substances around players at National level
Ø offer or attempt to offer, or accept either directly or indirectly, any consideration whatsoever with a view to influencing the result of any match
- The Association shall be called the Welsh Crown Green Bowling Association (“WCGBA”) and shall be the national governing body for the sport of Crown Green Bowls in Wales.
- These rules and bye-laws (“rules”) shall be read in accordance with the WCGBA Constitution.
- Officers and Management
3.1 The Officers of the WCGBA shall be:
- The President
- The Deputy President
- The Chairman
- The Vice-Chairman
- The Chief Executive Officer
- The Financial Officer
- The Secretary
- The Players Registrar
- The Tournament Officer
- The Marketing & Media Officer
- The Development Officer
- The Press Officer
- The Safeguarding Lead Officer
- The Website Manager
- The BCGBA Representative
- The Open Competitions Registrar
- The Disability Liaison Officer
3.2 The President and Deputy President shall be elected by the Members of the WCGBA at an Annual General Meeting. On a rotational basis each area bowling association shall nominate a representative for approval to the EGB to become the Deputy President, and subsequently President of the Association. Once approved the candidate shall be moved for nomination. If not approved, an area association shall be asked to nominate an alternative candidate.
3.3 The Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Chief Executive Officer, Financial Officer and Secretary shall be appointed by the EGB in accordance with the WCGBA constitution.
3.4 All other Officers shall be appointed by the Chief Executive Officer in conjunction with and approval from the EGB.
3.5 The management of the WCGBA will be undertaken by the Executive Governance Board (“EGB”), the terms of which are set out in the WCGBA constitution.
3.6 The sub-committees of the WCGBA shall be:-
- Area Bowling Associations
- The Development Committee
- The Finance Committee
- The National Performance Committee
- The Tournament Committee
- The Safeguarding Committee
3.7 Save for the Area Bowling Associations, Chairs for the Committees will be appointed by the EGB annually following the Annual General Meeting.
3.8 Save for the Area Bowling Associations, a minimum of two members of the EGB will sit on each of the above committees. Individuals may be invited to join any of the above committees where their expertise would assist in the running of the WCGBA.
3.9 The Code of Conduct for EGB Members, Officers and Committee Members can be found at Annex 1.
- Membership Regulations
4.1 the Categories of Membership are:
- Area Bowling Associations
- Bowling Societies
- Bowling Leagues
- Bowling Clubs
- Life members
4.2 Application for Membership of the WCGBA, save for life membership, can be made in writing to the Chief Executive Officer at any time. Recommendations will be made to the EGB with the final approval lying with the Members at the Annual General Meeting in the following calendar year.
4.3 Area status is a geographical area comprising of at least 20 bowling clubs. There are four geographical areas, namely:
- Flintshire
- Glyndwr
- Gwynedd
- Wrexham
4.4 The Bowling Societies of the WCGBA are:
- The Coaching Society
- The Referee’s Society
4.5 The Bowling Leagues of the WCGBA are set out in Annex 2.
4.6 The Bowling Clubs of the WCGBA are set out in Annex 3 together with their geographical boundary.
4.7 The Life Members of the WCGBA are set out in Annex 4.
4.8 Membership of the Executive Governance Board shall come from the Area Bowling Associations. Each area association shall have three representatives. Representatives shall be nominated in accordance with the Area Committees and with approval of the Chief Executive Officer and EGB.
- Subscriptions & Finance
5.1 The Chief Executive Officer and Financial Officer are responsible for the financial matters relating to the WCGBA.
5.2 The Financial Officer has conduct of the WCGBA finances.
5.3 Annual fees are as follows:
Type | Payable to | Amount
Membership Fee | WCGBA Financial Officer | £30.00 |
Club Affiliation Fee (BCGBA) | WCGBA Financial Officer | £15.00 |
Players Registration Fee (all Players registered with a Bowling League are liable) | WCGBA Players Registrar | £3.00 |
Fine for playing a non-registered play | WCGBA Financial Officer | £50.00 |
BCGBA Handbook | WCGBA Financial Officer | £2.50 |
BCGBA Individual Life Membership (if not previously paid) | WCGBA Players Registrar | £10.00 |
WCGBA Open Competition | WCGBA Financial Officer | £5.00 |
BCGBA Open Competition | BCGBA Chief Executive Officer | £10.00 |
Fine non-attendance at AGM or SGM of WCGBA | WCGBA Financial Officer | £20.00 |
Fine for not registering a WCGBA Open Competition | WCGBA Financial Officer | £10.00 |
Fee for registering an appeal | WCGBA Financial Officer | £50.00 |
5.4 All fees are payable by the 30th June in any calendar year.
5.5 If any Area Bowling Association, Bowling League or Bowling Club has not paid their Membership, Affiliation or Players Registration fee by the 30th June in any calendar year, then all players belonging to that Area, League or Club will not be allowed to participate in any tournaments / games played under the jurisdiction of the WCGBA.
5.6 If any club registers a player to play in any league without paying the Players Registration fee they shall be liable to a fine as set out in the list of Annual fees and that player shall forfeit each game played in that league and shall continue to do so until the Players Registration fee is paid.
5.7 If any Member, save for life members, has not provided the Chief Executive Officer with details of their annual insurance cover (including public liability) in accordance with the WCGBA constitution, they shall be suspended until such requirements are met in accordance with Bye-laws of the BCGBA (5(b)).
5.8 The Accounts of the Association shall be subjected to an annual independent inspection at the conclusion of the financial year.
5.9 The financial year ends on the 31st October.
5.10 Correct accounting records shall be kept by the Financial Officer with up-to-date financial statements and a report being provided at each Executive Governance Board Meeting.
5.11 At the end of the financial year and following the independent inspection of the accounts the Executive Governance Board shall be provided with the report from the appointed accountant.
5.12 The appointed accountant shall be the joint responsibility of the Chief Executive Officer and Financial Officer.
5.13 All payments by cheques must be signed by any two of the following: a) The Chief Executive Officer, b) The Financial Officer, c) The Chairman of the Executive Governance Board or, d) The Chair of the Finance Committee.
5.14 All expenses must be submitted to the Financial Officer for consideration. Payment of expenses will be in accordance with the WCGBA constitution. The current expenses policy for travel is:
- EGB Members & Officers 30p per mile
- Players 15p per mile
- Meetings
6.1 An Annual General Meeting shall take place in accordance with the constitution of the WCGBA.
6.2 The business of the Annual General Meeting will include:
- Minutes of the Previous Annual General Meeting
- Chief Executive’s Report
- Financial Officer’s Report
- Independent Financial Report on the Accounts
- Appointment of WCGBA Accountant
- Election of the President & Deputy President of the WCGBA
- Election of Deputy President of the BCGBA (when applicable)
- Election of Deputy President of the BCGLBA (when applicable)
- Any notice of motion (as set out in the Constitution)
6.3 Any other General Meeting is also set out in the constitution of the WCGBA.
6.4 Meetings of the Executive Governance Board shall take place in accordance with the WCGBA constitution.
6.5 Sub-committees will be responsible through their Area Association of nominated Chair for organising their own meetings. All recommendations from sub-committees need the approval of the EGB either through delegated responsibility or approval.
- Tournaments
7.1 Promoters of bowling contests inviting or accepting entries WITHIN the WCGBA must apply to the Open Competitions Registrar and pay an annual fee set out in the Annual Fees table at least 28 days prior to the commencement of the contest. The application must state the name of the Club and the venue where the contest is being held. Such contests shall be deemed “Open Contest” to all members of the WCGBA. Promoters of such contests must display on entry forms and all forms of publicity relating to the event the words “Affiliated to and approved by the WCGBA,” the maximum number of entries, the entry fee and the total prize money. Promoters accepting male and female entries must clearly indicate that it is a mixed competition. Promoters must ensure that all contestants have a valid BCGBA registration card. Any contestants that do not have a valid BCGBA registration card must be debarred from the competition and reported to the WCGBA. Any promoter failing to notify the Open Competitions Registrar will be liable to a fine as set out in the Annual Fees Table.
7.2 Promoters of bowling contests inviting or accepting entries from bowlers outside the WCGBA, must apply to the BCGBA as well as the WCGBA and pay the appropriate fee as set out in the Annual Fees Table (see bye-law 11 in the BCGBA handbook). Promoters must ensure that all contestants have a valid BCGBA registration card. Any contestants that do not have a valid BCGBA registration card must be debarred from the competition and reported to the WCGBA.
7.3 The Tournament Officer through the Tournament Committee is responsible for organising and running annual events promoted by the WCGBA. A calendar of events will be published annually informing what tournaments will be taking place together with closing dates.
7.4 The rules for WCGBA tournaments are at Annex 5.
7.5 First consideration must be given by all affiliated clubs to the WCGBA’s requirements to use of greens. The WCGBA shall have first claim on any green selected for use in their Tournaments, provided that fourteen days’ notice is given to the Secretary of the Club whose green has been chosen by the Tournament Officer and / or Tournament Committee. There shall be no charge by the club to the WCGBA.
7.6 Players dress at WCGBA tournaments shall be in accordance with the BCGBA bye-law 25 in the BCGBA handbook.
- Team Honours
8.1 Team Honours apply to the following WCGBA teams and players selected to represent those teams:
- Senior Team
- Ladies Team
- Junior Team
- Men’s Veterans Team
- Ladies Veterans Team
- Ladies Junior Team
8.2 The method of selection in relation to the above-mentioned Teams shall be determined by the National Performance Committee.
8.3 The WCGBA has first call and priority to select any Player who is a member of any Club affiliated to any Area Association, to play in any BCGBA / BCGLBA County Championship or any BCGBA / BCGLBA Merit (including reserves) or sanctioned event. A written notice will be sent to the player.
8.4 Any player wishing to be excused from playing for the WCGBA in such matches defined in 8.3 must write to the WCGBA Chief Executive Officer, providing an adequate reason for not accepting the honour, within three days. If any player fails to make such an application and fails to appear at any event, they cannot be considered for selection again or participate in any competitions run under the jurisdiction of the WCGBA or participate in any competition as a representative of the WCGBA until they have appeared in person before a committee nominated by the WCGBA Executive Governance Board.
8.5 Any player chosen to represent the WCGBA cannot play for their Club in a league match or in a competition on the day of any event, unless the player has received permission from the Chief Executive Officer.
8.6 Any Club having two or more members selected as players, reserves or Officials in any BCGBA / BCGLBA County Championship or International Match or any Area Association match shall have the right to postpone and re-arrange a league match within the stipulated time determined by the Rules of that League.
8.7 Players and Officials must be prepared to completely fulfil their playing and social obligations to the WCGBA before they undertake any other commitments, which are confirmed and approved by the WCGBA Chief Executive Officer.
8.8 First consideration must be given by all affiliated Clubs to the WCGBA’s requirements to the use of greens. The WCGBA shall have first claim on any green selected for use in their Team Matches, provided that fourteen days notice is given to the Secretary of any Club whose green has been chosen. There shall be no charge by the Club to the WCGBA.
8.9 Players dress shall be in accordance with BCGBA bye-law 25 in the BCGBA handbook.
- Disciplinary and Appeals
9.1 The Disciplinary and Appeals Procedures can be found at Annex 6.
9.2 The Disciplinary and Appeals Procedures define the responsibilities of all the organisations and individuals incorporated within and affiliated to the WCGBA. As the National Governing Body the WCGBA is the arbiter of discipline, behaviour and performance within the sport in Wales.
9.3 The Code of Conduct at Annex 7 lays out the basic requirements in terms of individual responsibility.
9.4 It is the duty and responsibility of all clubs, leagues, societies and Area Associations, through their officials and the WCGBA, through the EGB and officers, to ensure that the WCGBA Code of Conduct is made known to all players and is strictly implemented.
9.5 Any bowler, whether a registered or social player at club level, all affiliated clubs, all affiliated leagues, all affiliated societies, Area Associations, any member of the EGB and WCGBA officials can be brought into the WCGBA disciplinary procedure.
9.6 It shall be misconduct of any Area Association, League, Society, Club, Official or player is proved to the satisfaction of the EGB to have committed any act (including violation of the Laws of the Game and Rules of the WCGBA and / or BCGBA) or made any statement either verbally or in writing or been responsible for conduct or any matter which, in the opinion of the EGB, is considered to be ungentlemanly, insulting, or improper behaviour or likely to bring the game into disrepute.
9.7 On misconduct being proved to the satisfaction of the EGB, they shall have the power to order the offender to be suspended from all or any specified competitions of events for a period of time that the EGB shall consider appropriate. The EGB in addition to suspensions, shall have the power to impose fines up to a maximum of £50.00, cautions or reprimands as the occasion demands.
- Safeguarding
10.1 The WCGBA as a member of the British Crown Green Bowling Association has adopted policies and procedures through the Bowls Development Alliance (“BDA”).
10.2 The English Short Mat Bowling Association, the English Bowling Federation, the British Crown Green Bowls Association, Bowls England and the English Indoor Bowling Association are all part of the Safeguarding Bowls group alongside and the under the umbrella of the BDA to ensure that the sport is kept safe for everyone to play.
10.3 This means that the five National Governing Bodies and their affiliated members follow the same policy, guidelines and templates which will be available to all clubs regardless of which format is played.
10.4 County Safeguarding Leads and Club Welfare Officers across the various codes are able to access training to support them in their role and provide them with knowledge and information on any action they would need to take if a concern was raised within their club.
10.5 For access to the Safeguarding Bowls website please access the link through the WCGBA website at www.wcgba.com or direct www.safeguardingbowls.org
10.6 The following policies are available:-
- Safeguarding Policy at Annex 8
- Safeguarding Guidelines Document at Annex 9
- Safeguarding Templates Document at Annex 10
- Adults at Risk Policy at Annex 11
- Anti Bullying Statement at Annex 12
10.7 Any allegations in respect of Child Protection and Vulnerable Adults should be referred to the WCGBA Safeguarding Lead Officer of the WCGBA Chief Executive Officer.
10.8 The WCGBA fully accepts its legal and moral obligation to exercise its duty of care and to protect ALL children and vulnerable adults participating in its activities and to safeguard their welfare. The Association is committed to doing this by acknowledging that:
- the welfare of the individual is paramount
- each individual, irrespective of age, gender, religion, race or disability has the right to protection from abuse
- each individual has a right to be safe and treated with respect and dignity.
10.9 The WCGBA shall use it best endeavours to ensure that:
- all allegations of abuse are taken seriously
- the response to them is swift and appropriate
- the effectiveness is reviewed through the BDA
- a responsible person is appointed annually as Safeguarding Lead Officer, to whom members can address any concerns,
10.10 All Area Associations MUST nominate a Safeguarding Officer whose duty is to ensure that the list of Welfare Officers in their area is kept up to date. The Area Safeguarding Officer will be responsible for the administration and collation of the DBS forms and to ensure that the information is correct during the verifying process. They are responsible for passing these on to the WCGBA Counter-Signatory (the WCGBA Secretary) for submission to the DBS. They will be responsible for passing the information on any breaches of or concerns regarding the Safeguarding policies to the Chief Executive Officer and to the Safeguarding Committee for investigation.
10.11 All clubs MUST nominate a Welfare Officer by April 1st of any year and inform the Area Safeguarding Officer by this date to allow for the relevant DBS check to be carried out. Failure by any club to comply with this procedure will result in the affiliation of that club to the Area and the WCGBA being withdrawn.
10.12 If the Welfare Officer of any club resigns after April 1st, that club must inform the Area Safeguarding Officer immediately and nominate a new Welfare Officer within ONE MONTH to allow for the relevant DBS check to be carried out. Failure by any club to comply with this procedure will result in the affiliation of that club to the Area and the WCGBA being withdrawn.
10.13 When appropriate seminars in Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults, to outline the policy and procedures of the WCGBA (through the BDA), are held in the club’s own area the Nominated Welfare Officers are expected to attend unless a valid reason can be given.
10.14 The WCGBA has established a Safeguarding Committee which has responsibility to deal with serious cases contravening the Safeguarding policies emanating at any level of the WCGBA. The Committee will receive information from the WCGBA Safeguarding Lead Officer and where appropriate the Area Safeguarding Officers and Club Welfare Officers. The Committee will agree on how the issue is resolved. The Committee will minute its deliberations and decisions and report these to the WCGBA EGB.
- Complaints
11.1 The policy for dealing with general complaints can be found at Annex 13.
11.2 The policy for dealing with persistent or vexatious complaints can be found at Annex 14.
11.3 The policy for dealing with EGB member or committee member grievances can be found as part of Annex 1.
- Executive Governance Board powers
12.1 In the event of any questions or matters arising, which are not provided for in the Constitution or Rules, such questions or matters shall be dealt with by the Executive Governance Board whose decision shall be final.
Code of Conduct
Executive Governance Members,
Officers and Committee Members
The Welsh Crown Green Bowling Association (“WCGBA”) recognises the huge contribution made by voluntary Executive Governance Board Members (“EGB Members”), Officers and Committee Members to the Association. The purpose of this Code is to maintain high standards of conduct, assist EGB Members, Officers and Committee Members in their voluntary role and to protect the best interests of the Association. Conduct within the WCGBA is driven by core values and objectives:
1.1 promote Crown Green Bowling in Wales with particular regard to uniformity in the game;
1.2 provide Members with advice and assistance in connection with Crown Green Bowling;
1.3 represent and protect the interests of Members with the BCGBA and BCGLBA
1.4 provide Crown Green Bowls related education, training and other services to the Members and to the Public;
1.5 undertake all other things that are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objectives.
This Code of Conduct for EGB Members, Officers and Committee Members is part of the WCGBA overall set of codes.
EGB Members, Officers and Committee Members should hold their position primarily for their knowledge, skills set and experience and their ability to actively contribute to the running of the WCGBA.
- to act in accordance with the WCGBA constitution, and to use powers only for the purposes for which they were conferred
- to promote the success of the WCGBA for the benefit of its members
- to exercise independent judgment
- to exercise reasonable care, skill and diligence
- to avoid conflicts of interest
- not to accept benefits from third parties
- to declare to the WCGBA’S other EGB Members any interest an EGB Member has in a proposed transaction or arrangement with the WCGBA (this also applies to Officers and Committee Members).
As an EGB Member, Officer or Committee Member I will:
ü promote and embed the values, aims and policies of the WCGBA
ü act only in the interests of WCGBA and not on behalf of any constituency or interest group (the knowledge and understanding that each Board member brings from their own experience is highly valued but Board members are not allowed to act as representatives of any constituency or interest group)
ü establish and maintain robust and comprehensive governance processes and regulations
ü actively contribute to the effective work of the Board by:
o thorough preparation and reading all papers which have been circulated prior to meetings;
o regular attendance, participation and contribution at meetings including constructive challenge;
o ensuring timely response to agreed actions, requests for information and guidance from fellow EGB Members and the CEO;
o attend the AGM and any other General Meetings as well as WCGBA events (as and when required)
o deal with issues of clarification “offline” before Board meetings if it relates to a Board agenda item and maintain a sharp focus on agenda items in meetings, to ensure meetings run to time and that time is utilised to best effect
ü attend meetings of Committees and Advisory/Working Groups which I either Chair or sit in membership
ü attempt to reach decisions by consensus
ü attend relevant training events and take reasonable steps to ensure that I am aware of the development of public policy and other issues which may affect the role and work of WCGBA
It is vital that EGB Members, Officer and Committee Members:
- listen and respect the views of others
- seek positive and constructive resolution to those issues where differences in opinion exist and where a vote is taken accept the decision of the majority
- respect the office of the Chairman of the meeting, to ensure the orderly conduct of meetings
- observe the highest ethical standards of impartiality, integrity and objectivity in relation to the stewardship of funds and the management of WCGBA
- act in a way considered to be in good faith and would be most likely to promote the success of the WCGBA for the benefit of its members as a whole
- maximise value for money through ensuring that services are delivered in the most economical, efficient and effective way, within available resources
- maintain focus on the strategic development of WCGBA through planning, prioritising, performance monitoring and evaluation
- take lead responsibility for any of the delegated Committees and Advisory/Working Groups when required and as directed by the Executive Governance Board, Chairman or CEO
- support fellow EGB Members and the CEO in their leadership of the organisation
- seek to work effectively with the CEO [and vice versa] to advise, guide, enable and support
- respect the rights, dignity and worth of all people involved in the WCGBA, regardless of gender, race, marital status, colour, disability, sexuality, age, occupation, religion or political opinion
- at all times act as an ambassador and advocate for WCGBA promoting the Association’s key messages and always presenting the Association and its people in a positive light
I will not
Ø attempt to exercise individual authority over WCGBA other EGB Members, Officers or Committee Members and volunteers except as explicitly set forth in Board policies (including lead responsibility areas)
Ø consume alcoholic drinks or illegal substances or smoke during Board meetings or Committee Meetings
Declarations of Interest
All Board members are required to:
- complete and sign the Declaration of Interests form(s)
- ensure that private or personal financial interest never influences their decisions
- ensure that they do not use their position as a Board member for personal gain
- disclose to the CEO or Chair any direct or indirect pecuniary interest or other interests which are not pecuniary but which could influence judgment or give the impression that the Board or EGB Member was acting for personal motives
- note that the Chairman of Board meetings has the right to request that a EGB Member withdraws from any meeting or any part of a meeting when any such conflict of interest exists
In the event of an EGB Member considering that another Board member has an interest which should be disclosed, he/she has a duty to report that matter immediately to the CEO or Chairman of the meeting.
EGB Members, Officers and Committee Members should not pass any information gained through their involvement with WCGBA to a third party without the approval of the Chair.
Outside Activities
EGB Members, Officers and Committee Members should consider themselves at all times as being potentially regarded as ambassadors of WCGBA and should, therefore, ensure that none of their other activities has the effect of bringing the WCGBA into disrepute.
EGB Members, Officers and Committee Members’ conduct may be considered to be unsatisfactory when a breach this Code or legal obligations has occurred.
In cases where there is concern that a Board member’s, Officer’s or Committee Member’s conduct may be considered unsatisfactory, the following procedure will be adopted:
- The CEO will arrange for an investigation of any allegation of misconduct to be undertaken to establish the facts
- The CEO will invite two members of the Executive Governance Board to form a Misconduct Panel with him to consider the facts and to determine what action should be taken; if the complaint concerns the CEO then the Chair of the EGB will convene the Panel
- The Panel will determine what action shall be taken
- The action that will be taken will depend upon the seriousness of the misconduct and any previous misconduct
In cases of serious misconduct, the Panel will seek a voluntary resignation from the Board, Officer Post or Committee and if such resignation is not forthcoming, formal procedures will be taken in accordance with WCGBA Disciplinary Procedures.
A Board member, Officer or Committee Member has the right to appeal against any decision made and may make an appeal by writing to the Chair of the Executive Governance Board within 14 days of being notified of the decision by the Misconduct Panel setting out the grounds on which they are appealing.
The full Executive Governance Board (excluding the original Panel members and any appellant Board member) will hear any such appeal. The Chair may request up to two additional members of the organisation, with relevant experience, to be seconded, with voting rights, for the appeal meeting if the remaining members of the Board do not have a quorum. A Board member will act as Chairman of the appeal discussion and the Board’s decision will be final.
In cases where the CEO feels it is appropriate, he may suspend the relevant member from attendance at meetings of the Board and any Committees while the matter is being investigated.
Board Member Grievances
This procedure for individual grievances covers those matters which are specific to the EGB Member in relation to his/her service as a Board member not to any general grievances.
If the Chair has a grievance about another Board member, he/she should raise the matter directly with the Board member in question. If no resolution is found, the Chair will raise the matter in writing, to the Vice Chair, who will investigate and determine the appropriate course of action in consultation with the Officers.
If an EGB Member wishes to raise a grievance, they should write to the Chair setting out the reasons for the Grievance.
If the grievance relates to another Board member or the CEO, the Chair should investigate and determine the appropriate course of action. If the grievance relates to the Chair, then the Vice Chair should receive the grievance in writing, investigate and determine the appropriate course of action. If the grievance is in relation to an Officer or Committee Member the CEO will investigate and determine the appropriate course of action.
If the EGB Member is not satisfied with the reply which would normally be sent within 14 days of the original grievance, they may appeal to the Chair or Vice Chair if they have been dealing with the grievance, in writing outlining the grounds for the appeal.
The appeal will be referred to a Board Grievance Appeals Panel; the composition of this panel will be determined by the Chair or Vice Chair if the original grievance was concerning the Chair, and will comprise of three members of the Board.
Appeals will normally be heard within 14 days of lodging the appeal. The decision of the panel is final; there is no further appeal under any circumstances.
I confirm that I have read and understand this Executive Governance Board, Officer and Committee Member Code of Conduct document:-
Signed ……………………………………………….. Date ……………………………………..
Print Name………………………………………………
This agreement reflects the hopes and intentions of the WCGBA and the volunteer agreeing to take on this role.
WCGBA Affiliated Leagues
Anglesey / Bangor & District
Betws-yn-Rhos Winter
Bradley Winter
Clwydian Senior Citizens
Clwydian Wednesday Ladies
Colwyn & Llandudno and District
Deeside Veterans
Flintshire Midweek
Gwynedd Seniors
Mon-Menai Bowls Federation
North Wales Veterans Bowling Association
North Wales Coast
Vale of Clwyd Midweek
Welsh Counties
Wrexham Saturday
Wrexham Pairs
Wrexham Veterans
1. Airbus
2. Argoed
3. Aston
4. Bagillt
5. Broughton & Bretton
6. Caerwys
7. Carmel
8. Castell Alun
9. Cilcain
10. Coed Talon
11. Connah’s Quay
12. Copperfields
13. Flint, Coleshill
14. Fron Park
15. Gladstone
16. Greenfield
17. Halkyn
18. Hawkesbury
19. Hoole Alexander Cheshire
20. Leeswood
21. Mancot
22. Mold Rec.
23. Nercwys
24. New Brighton
25. Northop Hall
26. Oakenholt
27. Pentre Broughton
28. Penymynydd & Pennyffordd
29. Rhydymwyn
30. Saltney
31. Sychdyn
32. Treuddyn
1. Abergele
2. Betws-yn-Rhos
3. Bryn Newydd
4. Colwyn Bay Royal British Legion
5. Denbigh, Lower Park
6. Dyserth
7. East Parade
8. Eirias Park
9. Grove Park
10. Kinmel Bay
11. Llysfaen
12. Meliden
13. Min-y-Don
14. Mochdre
15. Old Colwyn
16. Prestatyn, Highbury
17. Rhos on Sea
18. Rhos Park
19. Rhuddlan
20. Rhyl
21. St Asaph City
22. Sunny Rhyl
23. Trefnant
1. Bala
2. Bangor City
3. Beaumaris
4. Benllech
5. Bethesda
6. Blaenau Ffestiniog
7. Caernarfon Town
8. Conwy
9. Craig-y-Don
10. Criccieth
11. Dwygyfylchi
12. Holyhead
13. Llandrillo
14. Llandudno
15. Llanfair PG
16. Llanfairfechan
17. Llangefni
18. Llanrwst
19. Menai Bridge
20. Peibio
21. Penmaenmawr
22. Penrhyn New Hall
23. Pen-y-Groes
24. Tywyn
25. Vardre
1. Bangor-on-Dee
2. Bersham Sports
3. Bradley
4. Brymbo
5. Ceiriog Valley
6. Chirk AAA
7. Coedpoeth
8. Cunliffe Arms
9. Ellesmere Shropshire
10. Esclusham
11. Farndon Cheshire
12. Flexsys
13. Garden Village
14. Gate Hangs High
15. Gresford Colliery
16. Gresford Village
17. Johnstown
18. Llay Miners
19. New Broughton
20. Parciau
21. Plas Kynaston
22. Ponciau Banks Park
23. Rossett
24. Royston
25. Ruabon
Peter Higham – WCGBA.
John D Lloyd – WCGBA
Tom Middlehurst – Flintshire
David Walker – Flintshire
Mike Barrodale – Glyndwr
Jim Paton – Glyndwr
David T Evans – Gwynedd
David W Hughes – Gwynedd
Mrs Brenda Jones – Wrexham
John Percy – Wrexham
The General rules below apply to all WCGBA Competitions
1. Players entering Welsh Crown Green Bowling Association competitions MUST be bona-fide members of a Bowling Club affiliated to one of the four Areas within the WCGBA area AND have paid the necessary WCGBA Registration Fee for the current year AND be in possession of a valid British Crown Green Bowling Association Life Membership card.
2. ALL entries are to be submitted by an authorised method together with the entrance fee, the amount of which will be determined by the WCGBA Tournament Committee and must be returned by the closing date as advertised.
3. All venues are decided or ratified by the Tournament Committee Prizemoney for all competitions shall be determined by the WCGBA Tournament Committee.
4. ALL players must adhere to the strict dress code as laid out in the British Crown Green Bowling Association handbook. Any player failing to conform to this standard shall score NIL and the opponent shall receive the maximum score.
5. Competitors will not be allowed to practice greens once they are selected other than in League or Cup matches previously arranged. In the event of a player doing so, they will be disqualified. This also applies to qualifiers selected to appear on any finals day. A playing member of the venue club is barred from competing in the qualifying rounds or on finals day on any green of which that player is a club member. It is the players’ responsibility to ensure that he notifies the Tournament Officer prior to the competition if this is the case. Any player not being in attendance at the time previously notified will be scratched.
6. It shall be noted that under no circumstances will a player, already beaten in a competition, be allowed to qualify for a finals day as a “best loser”. In such an event, that player will be disqualified from taking part on finals day and the Area Secretary concerned will be requested to explain their reasons for doing so to the Chief Executive Officer of the WCGBA.
7. The number of jacks in play at any one time shall, under normal circumstances, be FOUR. The Official-in-Charge on the day shall have the discretionary power to increase or decrease the number, depending on the circumstances, such as shortage of time due to inclement weather.
8. The WCGBA Tournament Committee reserves the right to select the number of qualifiers for the BCGBA / BCGLCC in accordance with the allocated number of qualifiers selected by the BCGBA / BCGLCC.
9. Any referees and measurers officiating shall be appointed by the WCGBA Referees’ Society.
10. Players may be subject to random testing for drugs, subject to the relevant regulations.
11. Any dispute not provided for in the rules shall be resolved by the Official-in-Charge on the day, whose decision shall be final.
1. The competition shall be held annually and will be open to male bowlers only.
2. After the closing date, which shall be previously advertised, the Tournament Committee will make the draw and allocate the players to one of eight venues. Once the draw has been made the Area Secretaries will notify the Secretaries of all the players’ clubs. The Tournament Officer will forward the draw to the Website Manager for posting on the WCGBA website. This will be completed 7 days after the closing date.
3. The qualifying rounds shall be played on eight greens selected by the Tournament Committee. Four greens will be selected for entries from the Flintshire / Wrexham areas with the remaining four greens being selected for the entries from the Glyndwr / Gwynedd areas. Games to be played on the third Saturday in May. ALL games shall be 21-up. On completion of the qualifying rounds, each Official in Charge shall notify the Tournament Officer of each qualifier’s name, address and telephone number to assist him in the making of the draw for finals day and to notify the qualifiers concerned.
4. The number of qualifiers on finals day shall be 32, made up of four qualifiers from each of the eight venues. The venue for finals day will be selected by the President of the WCGBA subject to Tournament Committee ratification.
5. Prizemoney will be distributed on completion of each round for the 1st and 2nd rounds only. Prizemoney for the quarter-finals, semi-finals and final will be distributed after completion of the competition.
6. The winner shall be presented with the Gwyn Morris Senior Cup (donated by Messrs. Ind Coope) and shall be the Welsh Senior Merit Champion.
7. The winner and runners up shall represent Wales in the British Senior Individual Merit Championship in line with the qualifier numbers advised by the BCGBA for the qualifying year.
1. The competition shall be held annually and will be open to female bowlers only.
2. ALL games shall be 21-up.
3. The venue for finals day will be selected by the President of the WCGBA. subject to Tournament Committee ratification.
4. The winner shall be presented with Ladies Individual Merit Cup and shall be the Welsh Individual Merit Champion.
- The winner and runners up shall represent Wales in the British Ladies Senior Individual Merit Championship in line with the qualifier numbers advised by the BCGBA for the qualifying year.
1. The competition shall be held annually and will be open to male and female bowlers who have not reached the age of 18 years before January 1st in the year that the competition is played.
2. ALL games to be 21 –up.
3. The venue for finals day will be selected by the Deputy President of the WCGBA. subject to Tournament Committee ratification.
(a) The overall winner shall be presented with the Don James Welsh Junior Championship Shield
(b)The female winner shall be presented with the Ken Hardman Trophy (a) The winner and runner-up will qualify for the BCGBA Junior Individual Merit Finals Day.
(b) The female winner will qualify for the British Crown Green Ladies Competition Committee Junior Individual Merit Finals Day.
1. The competition shall be held annually and shall be open to male and female bowlers who have attained the age of 60 years prior to the commencement of the Competition.
2. The venue of finals day shall be determined by the immediate Past President of the WCGBA subject to Tournament Committee ratification.
3. The qualifying rounds shall be played in each of the FOUR respective Areas. Greens will be chosen by each respective Area Secretary. ALL games shall be 21-up, off 3. On completion of the qualifying rounds, each Area Secretary shall notify the Tournament Officer of each qualifier’s name, address and telephone number to assist him in the making of the draw for finals day and to notify the qualifiers concerned. The Tournament Officer shall forward the draw for finals day to the Website Manager for posting on the WCGBA website.
4. The number of qualifiers on finals day shall be 16.
5. The winner shall be presented with the trophy (known as the Barbers Cup – donated by Chris the Barber)
6. The winner and runner up shall qualify for the BCGBA Jack and Jean Isherwood final day as Welsh qualifiers.
1. The competition shall be held annually and shall be open to female bowlers.
2. There MUST be a minimum of eight (8) entries submitted by the closing date for the competition to be held.
3. ALL games shall be 21-up, off 3.
- The venue for finals day will be selected by the Tournament Committee
- The winner shall be presented with Ladies Pairs Merit Cup and shall be the Welsh Pairs Merit Champion.
- The event shall also be a qualifying event for the Dorothy Piearce Pairs Competition organised by the British Crown Green Ladies Bowling Association as Welsh qualifiers. The number of qualifiers are determined each year by the BCGLBA. If the winners do not wish to attend as qualifiers the allocated place(s) shall be offered to the runners-up and so forth until the allocated place(s) is filled.
1. The competition shall be held annually and shall be open to pairs consisting of one female bowler and one male bowler.
2. There MUST be a minimum of eight (8) entries submitted by the closing date for the competition to be held.
3. ALL games shall be 21-up, off 3.
- The venue for finals day will be selected by the Tournament Committee
- The event shall also be a qualifying event for the Centenary Mixed Pairs Competition organised by the BCGBA as Welsh Qualifiers. The number of qualifiers are determined each year by the BCGBA. If the winners do not wish to attend as qualifiers the allocated place(s) shall be offered to the runners-up and so forth until the allocated place(s) is filled.
1. The Welsh Club Championship shall be held annually and shall consist of FOUR teams, each having won their respective Area County Cup.
2. Teams for this event will consist of EIGHT players and each team shall submit to the Chief Executive Officer at least 14 days prior to the event, a squad list, with a maximum of TWELVE players, from which all teams must be selected. Players are only allowed to play in one Welsh Area (Flintshire, Glyndwr, Gwynedd & Wrexham) County Cup. Should a player be in default, they will forfeit their game by the score of 21-0 and the matter will be reported to the WCGBA Chief Executive Officer for further consideration.
3. All games to start at 11.00 am. The draw will be made by the WCGBA Tournament Committee prior to the event and will be published on the WCGBA website.
4. Captains must submit in writing, in the order of play (1 to 8), their team, to the Chief Executive Officer, including the reserves, at least 14 days prior to the event. Individual players may be substituted by a named reserve, but any such changes must be declared to the Official-in-Charge on the day and the opposing Captain. Once all teams have been submitted the draw and order of play shall be released.
5. The venue will be selected by the previous Past President subject to Tournament Committee ratification.
6. The order of play shall be as follows:-
Semi-Final:- Players numbered 1 & 2 from the four teams shall commence the match. On completion of a game, the next pair in sequence to follow.
Final:- Players numbered 1 to 4 shall commence the match. On completion of a game, the next pair to follow.
ALL players must be present and available to take the green when called. If a player is not present at this time, their opponent will be awarded the game 21-0.
7. In every match, the toss of a coin shall determine the cast of jacks (odds and evens). In each match, the team with the highest aggregate shall be the winner. In case of a tie, the following order of elimination shall apply:-
Tie on aggregate – the team with the most winners.
If still a tie – the team with the best winner.
If still a tie – the 2nd, 3rd, 4th best winner etc.
8. The winning team of the Welsh Club Championship shall receive the Welsh Club Championship Cup which must be returned, suitably engraved, to the Tournament Officer, by the latest, the 31st August in the following year.
9. Both the winner and runner-up shall be eligible to go forward to the World Club Championship the following year.
1. The Welsh Veterans Club Championship shall be held annually in the area of the current Past President of the Welsh Crown Green Bowling Association.
2. The venue will be determined by the Past President.
3. The competition shall consist of FOUR teams, which shall be determined by the respective Areas. Each team put forward must have won a league or cup held by that respective area. Teams must be nominated to and approved by the WCGBA Tournament Committee.
4. Teams for this event will consist of EIGHT players with a maximum of TWELVE players, from which all teams must be selected. All players must be over 60 years of age and have played at least 3 matches for the team.
5. All games to start at 11.00 am. The draw will be made by the WCGBA Tournament Committee prior to the event and will be published on the WCGBA website.
6. Captains must submit in writing, in the order of play (1 to 8), his or her team, to the Tournament Officer, including the reserves, by the 20th September in the competing season. Individual players may be substituted by a named reserve, but any such changes must be declared to the Official-in-Charge on the day and the opposing Captain. Once all teams have been submitted the draw and order of play shall be released.
7. The order of play shall be as follows:-
Semi-Final:- Players numbered 1 & 2 from the four teams shall commence the match. On completion of a game, the next pair in sequence to follow.
Final:- Players numbered 1 to 4 shall commence the match. On completion of a game, the next pair to follow.
ALL players must be present and available to take the green when called. If a player is not present at this time, his/her opponent will be awarded the game 21-0.
8. In every match, the toss of a coin shall determine the cast of jacks (odds and evens). In each match, the team with the highest aggregate shall be the winner. In case of a tie, the following order of elimination shall apply:-
Tie on aggregate – the team with the most winners.
If still a tie – the team with the best winner.
If still a tie – the 2nd, 3rd, 4th best winner etc.
9. The winning team of the Welsh Veterans Team Championship shall receive the Welsh Veterans Team Championship Cup on the day which must be returned, suitably engraved, to the Tournament Officer, by the latest, the 31st August in the following year.
1. The competition shall be held annually the venue of which shall be determined by the Welsh Crown Green Bowling Association Tournament Committee.
2. There shall be 16 qualifying events which shall be determined annually by the WCGBA Tournament Committee. At least four of the places shall be offered to the WCGBA Merit winners, namely: The Gwyn Morris Senior Individual Merit, The Ladies Individual Merit, The Don James Junior Merit and the Veterans’ Merit. There shall be a further reserve list of 8 events which are also determined by the WCGBA Tournament Committee. Should any qualifier be unable to attend on the final day or if they should have qualified twice, then that place shall be offered to a reserve event competitor, in strict order.
3. The WCGBA Tournament Committee shall make the draw at least 14 days prior to the event and shall place the draw on the WCGBA website.
- The venue will be selected by the previous Past President subject to Tournament Committee ratification.
5. ALL 16 qualifiers shall receive prizemoney.
Prize-money will be distributed on completion of each round for the 1st and 2nd rounds only. Prize-money for the semi-finals and Final will be distributed after completion of the Competition.
The winner shall be presented with the WCGBA Champion of Champions Cup (donated by Co-Operative FuneralCare) for twelve months and shall be the Welsh Champion of Champions.
Revised and March 2024
What constitutes a Disciplinary Matter?
In very simple terms a disciplinary complaint can arise if any rule, regulation, procedure or agreement that is in place is “broken” in some way that leads to a problem.
The points below expand on this simple explanation highlighting the main areas that might give rise to a disciplinary complaint:
- any breach, failure, refusal or neglect to comply with a provision of
- the Constitution, Rules, Byelaws, or Code of Conduct;
- any policy, resolution or determination of the Welsh Crown Green Bowling Association (“WCGBA”) Executive Governance Board and any and all of its subcommittees;
- any rules and regulations of an event including match day / event misconduct, anti-doping or safeguarding;
- any refusal or neglect to comply with the rules and regulations of the British Crown Green Bowling Association or WCGBA; or specific Area Bowling Association, Bowling Society or Bowling League regulations; or
- failure to abide by the terms of any agreement notified to members including the provision of any facilities entered into by the WCGBA on behalf of members;
- breaching any terms of reference, codes of conduct, regulations or other general policies of the sport;
- conduct that is disgraceful or opposed to the general interests of the WCGBA or the sport (including, without limitation, conduct that brings the sport into disrepute, discriminatory conduct, harassment and inappropriate behaviour);
- behaviour that is otherwise considered generally unacceptable and contrary to the conduct expected of a member or a registered participant or anyone acting in any other capacity on behalf of the WCGBA;
- behaviour that is or is likely to be prejudicial to the smooth running of an event organised by or on behalf of the WCGBA or any event that the WCGBA is associated with;
- any other matter raised by or about a member, registered participant or anyone acting in any other capacity on behalf of the WCGBA which raises concerns with the Executive Governance Board.
Criminal offences
Any matter that is brought to the attention of the Chief Executive Officer or the WCGBA Safeguarding Lead Officer where any Disciplinary Panel on investigation decides that the matter should be dealt with by the Police will be referred accordingly. Any action to be brought by way of the WCGBA disciplinary procedures may be suspended until the outcome of the criminal investigation is determined.
Where should Discipline be addressed?
Disciplinary issues and complaints are usually dealt with at the most local and suitable place and should only be advanced upwards from Local to Region to National if the individual circumstances warrant transfer.
Anti doping regulations
The WCGBA has adopted unconditionally the ‘UK Sport Anti-Doping Rules’ and all matters regarding Doping shall be dealt under such ‘UK Sport Anti-Doping Rules’ which shall take precedence over the Disciplinary Procedures. Further information on all matters relating to the Anti-doping Regulations may be found at www.ukad.org.uk .
Safeguarding Procedures and Policies
In all cases where there is concern about the safety or protection of children or vulnerable adults, the matter must immediately be referred to the WCGBA Safeguarding Lead Officer.
WCGBA Safeguarding Procedures and Policies, when appropriate, shall take precedence over the Disciplinary Procedures. Further information on all matters relating to the welfare of children and vulnerable adults may be found at www.wcgba.com or direct at www.safeguardingbowls.org
- Jurisdiction of Powers
The Welsh Crown Green Bowling Association (“WCGBA”) has the power and jurisdiction to act in relation to all disciplinary matters as advised in the constitution, including holding inquiries and imposing penalties and sanctions or to take such action as it sees fit, concerning all organisations and individuals incorporated within and affiliated to the WCGBA. The WCGBA is the National Governing Body and arbiter of Discipline, Behaviour and Performance within the sport in Wales. The WCGBA jurisdiction covers:
- Members (Clubs, Leagues, Societies, Associations & Life Members)
- sport participants
- coaches and referees
- Executive Governance Board, Officers and Committee members
- and volunteers in the sport of crown green bowls in Wales
Charges can be brought against any of the above, subject to a written complaint being submitted. Then the Secretary or a nominated person of the Club, League, Society or Association must record such complaints. The responsibility to investigate such complaints in a fair and transparent manner rests with the Club, League, Society or Association. It is imperative that Clubs, Leagues, Societies and Associations ensure that their Disciplinary Procedures are clearly drawn up and that such procedures are made known to those to whom they pertain.
Where a matter cannot be solved at Club level it may be necessary to have that matter referred to the appropriate League, Society or Association for resolution and decision.
The responsibility of the WCGBA will be directly involved only when complaints originate from:
- Tournaments affiliated or approved by the WCGBA;
- Where there is an allegation of bringing the game into disrepute;
- Where the complaint originates in an event which is the responsibility of or is organised by the WCGBA;
- Matters pertaining to when a player is selected or is nominated to represent Wales and fails to appear without an adequate and acceptable reason;
- Where the misdemeanour concerns a member of the WCGBA Executive Governance Board (“EGB”) or one of the WCGBA officers;
- Where one of the four Area Associations is faced with misconduct of so serious a nature that the Area and its Executive Officers wish to have the matter dealt with by the WCGBA.
2. WCGBA Initial procedure on receipt of a written complaint
2.1. Complaints must be acknowledged on receipt and dealt with as quickly as possible by the Chief Executive Officer (“CEO”). Keeping in contact with the Complainant (the person making the complaint) is important during these early stages.
2.2. The CEO examines the complaint to decide if there is sufficient initial evidence of a breach of the rules, regulations and code of conduct by the Respondent(s) (the person/s complained about) being careful and thorough in their consideration of the initial evidence. The CEO then makes a decision about what happens next.
2.3. The CEO shall decide if the complaint:
- is required to proceed formally;
- should be dealt with informally because it is not severe enough to warrant full disciplinary measures;
- is rejected as a disciplinary matter because
o it is either invalid within the WCGBA disciplinary procedures;
o it should be dealt with under a different set of regulations, such as Anti-doping;
o it should be dealt with by another authority including but not limited to the Police for criminal matters. Any action to be brought by way of the WCGBA disciplinary procedures may be suspended until the outcome of any criminal investigation is determined.
2.3.1. In all cases where there is concern about the safety or protection of children, the matter must immediately be referred to the WCGBA Safeguarding Lead Officer. Safeguarding Procedures and Policies, when appropriate, shall take precedence over the Disciplinary Procedures.
2.4. The CEO having studied the complaint and carried out preliminary investigation(s) will report the matter to the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the EGB and indicate the action he is recommending within 7 days.
2.5. The CEO shall advise the Complainant of the decision, the information given and the timeframe may vary depending on the decision made:-
2.5.1. if the decision is to take no further action the case is then closed once the Complainant has been informed and there is no right of appeal by the Complainant;
2.5.2. if the decision is to refer the matter to be dealt with under different WCGBA regulations the Complainant is advised accordingly of the transfer;
2.5.3. if the decision is to proceed using the disciplinary route the notification to the Complainant is delayed to coincide with the notice given to the Respondent so that both are made aware at the same time.
3. Interim sanctions
3.1. The CEO will refer any request to apply interim sanctions to the EGB Chair in the first instance, if in agreement the EGB Chair shall raise the matter immediately with the EGB for approval.
3.2. An interim sanction may consist of, without limitation, a suspension from membership (and associated rights) and/or a prohibition of any person or club taking part in any capacity in any WCGBA activity including competing, officiating, coaching, management, attending meetings, volunteering at clubs or competitions or from attending events being held under WCGBA jurisdiction.
3.3. The only criteria to be used when deciding whether an interim sanction is appropriate are:-
3.3.1. the matter is considered sufficiently serious and
3.3.2. there is a need to protect the interests and the credibility of the WCGBA or
3.3.3. to protect the rights of an individual, or individuals whether identifiable or not against potential harm.
- Formation of Disciplinary Panel
4.1. The CEO shall ensure that a Disciplinary Panel (DP) is formed immediately once a decision has been reached.
4.2. The DP shall be made up of three (3) individuals, who are the members of the EGB, Officers of the WCGBA, Life Members or Executive Officers of Area Associations. The CEO shall appoint the DP Chair and appoint a Recorder to record panel proceedings.
4.3. The CEO shall notify the DP of a suitable date, time and place for the hearing.
4.4. The names of the DP members will be notified to the Respondent at the same time as the Notice of Hearing is sent.
4.5. Members of the DP shall so far as possible have no connection with the Respondent or the Complainant and they shall not be involved in the complaint.
4.6. The three people appointed to the panel must be:
- free of prejudice or bias and not have an interest in the outcome, other than to see that the decision is fair; and
- careful and thorough in their consideration of the procedures and all evidence.
4.7. It should be clearly understood that all appointed members of the DP are deemed to be unbiased, fair and fully conversant with the principles of natural justice unless it is proved to the contrary.
5. Notice of Hearing
5.1. The CEO shall be responsible for ensuring due notice is provided to all parties involved in these disciplinary proceedings including all times, dates and venues (unless delegated otherwise due to a conflict of interest of the CEO).
5.2. The Respondent must be given at least 14 days’ notice of the Hearing date.
5.3. Any person appearing before the DP as a Respondent must be made aware in advance of the Hearing of the complaints to be answered and the need, where appropriate, to provide evidence in corroboration or rebuttal in answering the allegations.
5.4. When sending the Respondent the Notice of Hearing the CEO must:-
5.4.1. notify the Respondent the names of the DP and ask if there is any objection to the DP members;
5.4.2. provide a copy of the Disciplinary Regulations that will be used;
5.4.3. provide copies of any evidence that has been received to date;
5.4.4. ask if the allegations are admitted if the allegations are admitted then the DP will not convene a full Hearing but will progress directly to determining any sanctions unless the Chair of the DP decides otherwise; if the allegations are disputed the Respondent is asked to provide the names and full contact details of any person that they may wish to provide evidence in this matter as well as the name and contact details of anyone that they wish to accompany them to the Hearing;
5.5. The Respondent has 7 days to object to any members of the DP stating the full grounds for the objection.
5.5.1. The objection shall be considered by the Chair of the DP unless the objection is against the Chair when the CEO shall decide in consultation with the remaining DP member(s).
5.5.2. If in the opinion of the Chair of the DP, (or if 5.5.1 applies) the grounds for objection to any member of the panel are frivolous, unfounded or ill-informed, the objection shall be rejected.
5.5.3. If there is agreement with the objection an alternative appointment will be made forthwith and the date of the hearing shall be postponed to a date no less than 7 days after the date of any such alternative appointment.
5.5.4. This decision regarding the objection shall be final.
5.6. It shall be the duty of the Complainant and Respondent to notify and arrange for the attendance of any witness they may wish to call at the Hearing.
- Pre Hearing Timetable
6.1. The CEO may issue directions as he thinks fit relating to the procedural aspects in the period leading up to the Hearing in order that the Hearing of the case itself may be properly and fairly conducted. Directions may include, but shall not be limited to the procedure and timetable for:
6.1.1. the production, inspection and/or exchange of documents or property;
6.1.2. the submission of the names and details of the witnesses the parties concerned wish to call; and
6.1.3. the exchange of witness statements and outline arguments.
6.2. The conduct of any disciplinary hearing held under these procedures shall be determined by the Chair of the DP. [It should be noted that the DP is not governed by rules of court or legislative provision however Chairs must ensure at all times that common sense, fairness and natural justice prevails.]
6.3. The CEO shall notify all the parties of any directions made relating to 6.1 and 6.2 above.
6.4. All documents provided to the parties and to the members of the DP shall be used only for the purposes of the disciplinary Hearing and the determination of the DP and any appeal against the findings of the DP.
6.5. All documents must be kept strictly confidential and it shall amount to a disciplinary matter for one party to make use of the material supplied under these procedures for a purpose unconnected with the proceedings.
6.6. The CEO shall notify each of the parties to the proceedings of the names of the other party’s witnesses and the name and status of any representative who will be presenting a Respondent’s case or acting as an advisor.
6.7. It should be clearly understood that travel or other expenses will not be paid by the WCGBA to Respondents, Complainants, their legal/technical representatives or witnesses in these matters.
6.8. The Respondent may request in writing an adjournment of the hearing date within 7 days of being notified, a detailed statement of the reasons for the request must be supplied. The request will be considered and a decision made by the Chair of the DP.
6.9. In making any order to adjourn, the Chair of the DP shall bear in mind not only the interests of the party seeking the adjournment but also the interests of any other party including the complainant, witnesses and the WCGBA.
6.10. The Chair of the DP will determine the date, time and place of any adjourned hearing.
6.11. The CEO shall in advance of the hearing send to the Chair of the DP the record of any previous offences of the Respondent. This shall be supplied in a sealed envelope which shall be opened only in the event that the DP find that the charge is proven and they are considering the appropriate sanction.
- Procedure at a Disciplinary Panel Hearing
7.1. The hearing shall take place in private.
7.2. The CEO will be in attendance and where necessary shall represent the WCGBA.
7.3. The Chair of the DP may request an independent person to act as adviser to the DP if he feels that it is necessary bearing in mind all the circumstances surrounding the case, e.g. a technical, legal, equality or other such advisor.
7.4. The procedure during the Hearing shall be flexible and at the discretion of the Chair of the DP who may make such decisions as necessary to ensure the orderly and effective conduct of the Hearing.
7.5. Any Respondent(s) who fails to attend the hearing will be in breach of these disciplinary procedures which will constitute a serious disciplinary offence. The Hearing will proceed to consider the matter and the DP Panel shall have the same powers to reach decisions and sanction in their absence.
7.6. The Chair of the DP should explain the procedure before a hearing commences to all parties involved and give everyone an opportunity to ask questions on matters of procedure which are not clear to them.
7.7. Any Respondent(s) appearing before the DP must be given an accurate copy of any document(s) setting out the complaint at the start of the Hearing, even if this has previously been provided.
7.8. All hearings shall be conducted in a fair and orderly manner with each party having a reasonable opportunity to give and call evidence, address the DP and present their case.
7.9. The DP Chair has the discretion to adjourn the Hearing if required to a time and place notified to all concerned if there is a good reason to do so.
7.10. Any person who wilfully misleads a DP will be liable to disciplinary action.
- Decisions
8.1. The DP shall come to a decision as soon as possible following the Hearing but in all cases within 7 days.
8.2. The decision will be either that the complaint is proved or rejected. If rejected no further action is taken against the Respondent; if proved the DP shall decide on any sanctions required.
8.3. The decision of a DP may be appealed by the Respondent only.
- Sanctions
9.1. Sanctions may include, but shall not be limited to:
9.1.1. a written warning; and/or
9.1.2. an order specifying certain training to be undertaken; and/or
9.1.3. an order requiring an individual to be monitored in specific matters; and/or
9.1.4. a requirement to change the rules or regulations of a Club, League, Society, Association or other relevant body; and/or
9.1.5. a suspension from any or all other activities under the jurisdiction of WCGBA, which may include suspension from a specified number of events or for a period of time. Where a period of suspension is imposed on an individual respondent, the DP shall decide the date of commencement of the suspension and shall have power to provide for one or more breaks in the period of suspension; and/or
9.1.6. a fine; and/or
9.1.7. recommendation to the EGB for expulsion from the WCGBA; or
9.1.8. any other appropriate sanction which may be levied from time to time.
9.2. In assessing any sanction, the DP must take into account, and give credit for, the fact that the Respondent pleaded guilty or otherwise admitted any material fact(s) and any factors which the Respondent has put forward in mitigation.
9.3. Where a suspension from the WCGBA or from activities under the jurisdiction of the WCGBA is imposed, the wording and the exact dates of the suspension must be clear and specific.
9.4. Any period of suspension imposed may be back-dated to take into account any interim sanction which may have been imposed.
9.5. All necessary steps shall be undertaken to ensure that the sanction is complied with in every way.
9.6. Any sanction, including partial or full suspension by a DP shall be binding on all aspects of the WCGBA.
10. Fees and Costs
10.1. The Chair of the DP may, at their sole discretion, make an order for the costs of the Hearing to be paid, in such proportion as they may decide, by any of the parties to the Hearing. These costs may include expenses reasonably incurred in the preparation or holding of the Hearing and in attending any Hearing and otherwise in presenting or defending the case. In calculating the amount of such a sum, no legal representation or professional charges may be included in the costs by any party or the WCGBA.
10.2. Such orders for payments of costs shall not form any part of or influence any fines.
- Procedure following a Disciplinary Hearing
11.1. The Chair of the DP shall report its findings to the CEO as soon as reasonably practicable, but within 7 days in all cases.
11.2. The Chair of the DP in consultation with the CEO shall write to all parties involved setting out the decision and brief reasons thereof and any sanctions imposed.
11.3. The WCGBA will be entitled to publish the decision of the DP in such a manner as it considers appropriate 14 days following the notification of the decision, unless an Appeal is lodged, when the decision shall not be published until the appeal has been decided.
11.4. The CEO shall maintain a record of all offences and sanctions; all correspondence, documents, witness statements and minutes of the hearing shall be kept in the event they are required at a later appeal or otherwise in secure conditions for 6 years.
11.5. All the paperwork relating to any disciplinary matter conducted by a club / League / Society / Area should be sent to the CEO of the WCGBA for retention in line with 11.4.
11.6. The Respondent must be provided with information in writing outlining the process for any appeal at the time that the decision is advised unless the complaint is rejected.
12 Right of Appeal
12.1 All disciplinary matters must be dealt with fairly and equitably. At Club, League, Society and Association it is imperative that an Appeals procedure be drawn up and that it is made known as appropriate.
12.2 Only where appeals are made against decisions at League, Society or Area Association level will that appeal be referred to the WCGBA for final arbitration and decision.
12.3 Any appeal against the decisions of a WCGBA Disciplinary Panel shall continue to the BCGBA under their Bye-Laws: Protests, Appeals and Deposits. The decision of a Disciplinary Panel may be appealed by the Respondent only.
13 Procedure dealing with an Appeal
13.1 Any appeal should be sent in writing, to the Chief Executive Officer (“CEO”) within 7 days of the decision and must set out the grounds of the appeal in detail explaining why the Respondent disagrees with the decision. The grounds so stated cannot be amended except with the agreement of the Appeal Panel Chair appointed to hear the appeal.
13.2 Any appeal must be accompanied by the appropriate fee which will be either retained by the WCGBA or returned if the appeal is upheld or not taken forward.
13.3 The monetary level of the appropriate fee shall be set by the Executive Governance Board (“EGB”) in the first instance and reviewed every three years; the appropriate fee may be varied only with EGB approval.
14 Constitution of the Appeal Committee
14.1 The CEO will set up an Appeals Committee (AC) made up of three (3) individuals, who are senior members of the EGB, WCGBA Officers or Life Members. The CEO shall appoint a Chair and two others and a Recorder to record committee proceedings.
14.2 No person who has taken part in any way with the disciplinary decision being appealed may be appointed to the AC.
14.3 The AC will hear the appeal no later than 14 days after the receipt of the appeal by the CEO.
15 Notice of Appeal Hearing
15.1 Notice of the appeal hearing date, time and place and the names of the members of the AC shall be sent to the Appellant no later than 14 days prior to the date of the hearing.
15.2 The Appellant(s) shall be entitled, within 7 days of being so notified, to lodge an objection with the CEO against any member of the AC who can be shown to have a direct personal involvement or interest in the matter. The Appellant(s) shall provide appropriate evidence in support of any such claim. The CEO will review the appointment and if in agreement with the objection [consulting if appropriate with the Chair of the EGB] shall be automatically authorised to make an alternative appointment forthwith. The date of the hearing shall be postponed to a date no less than 7 days after the date of any such alternative appointment.
15.3 It should be clearly understood that all appointed members of the AC are deemed to be unbiased, fair and fully conversant with the principles of natural justice unless it is proved to the contrary.
16 Appeal Pre–hearing timetable and procedure
16.1 Not less than 7 days prior to the date of the appeal hearing the Chair of the original Disciplinary Panel responsible for the decision which is the subject of the appeal shall provide to the CEO a written statement for the Appeals Committee use only, detailing (as appropriate):-
- The circumstances of the alleged breach or misconduct
- The decision taken
- Any appropriate justification or explanation
- The information that was considered in reaching the original decision (e.g. regulations, reports, correspondence)
16.2 The CEO shall ensure that all relevant information is provided to the Appellant(s), and to all members of the AC, in good time prior to the Appeals Committee meeting (ideally at least 3 days prior to the meeting, but if this is not possible due to a short notification requirement then as soon as practical prior to the start of the meeting).
16.3 An adjournment request cannot be made by the Appellant, unless there are exceptional circumstances.
17 Procedure at Appeal Hearing
17.1 The hearing shall take place in private.
17.2 The CEO shall be present and where necessary shall represent the WCGBA.
17.3 The Appellant(s) may present to the AC whatever written submission they consider appropriate. The Appellant(s) shall ensure that the members of the Appeals Committee receive this information at least 3 days prior to the meeting, to give them an opportunity to study the submission.
17.4 The Appellant(s) shall not, under any circumstances, enter into any discussion with any member of the AC, either in person or through an intermediary, prior to the appeal being heard. Any member of the committee who is approached improperly is bound to notify the Chair immediately and may be required to stand down as a member of the committee at the discretion of the Chair. Any wilful breach of this clause by the Appellant(s) shall be considered as misconduct and may subsequently lead to disciplinary action, but such action should not be considered until the outcome of the appeal is heard.
17.5 When the Appellant is an individual they may be accompanied by one person of the Appellant’s choice. Where the Appellant is a Club, League, Society or Area Association it may be represented by two of its members.
17.6 The Chair of the Appeals Committee should ensure that the appeal is heard in a manner that allows all parties to state their case fairly and the Committee may, if they so choose, invite a technical adviser (for example, a respected senior official, lawyer or accountant) to be present, if they consider that this would be of assistance to the hearing of the appeal.
17.7 During the course of the hearing the Appellant is allowed to provide direct representation to the committee and/or to answer committee questions, the Appellant is not allowed to ask questions of the committee or any other party.
17.8 It is not appropriate for the Appellant(s) and the other parties to be present simultaneously. No form of cross-examination should be permitted.
17.9 If any of the parties do not attend the hearing, the matter may be dealt with by the Appeal Committee in the absence of that party taking into account any written representations that may have been received.
18 Appeal Decisions
18.1 Once the appeal has been heard, the AC will consider its decision and will, upon the making of the decision, recall the Appellant(s) into the meeting and advise the Appellant(s) of that decision. No further discussion is permitted at that time, and the Appellant(s) will then leave the meeting.
18.2 In exceptional circumstances the AC may decide that they are unable to reach a decision at the time and decide to reconvene to consider further on a subsequent occasion. However, the decision should be reached and reported within 7 days of the decision being made.
18.3 The decision of the AC can be appealed to the British Crown Green Bowling Association under their procedures noted at 12.3.
18.4 The AC may decide that the allegations against the Appellant are upheld. If so, the record of previous offences, if any, of the Appellant shall be opened and read out before the AC considers the imposition of a penalty.
18.5 The AC shall have the power to reduce, increase, quash, or confirm the penalty imposed by the previous Disciplinary Panel and/or may substitute for it any other sanction which would have been available to the Disciplinary Panel; and/or make such other order or determination as it may think right or just.
18.6 The AC may direct any party to the Appeal to bear the administrative costs of holding the Appeal where it considers it fair and just to do so.
19 Procedure following an Appeal Hearing
19.1 The AC, supported by the CEO, should following their notification of the decision to the Appellant then advise other interested parties who have been present at the appeal of the decision. No further discussion is permitted related to the matter at that time.
19.2 The Appeals Committee will confirm to the Appellant(s) and the other interested parties, including the Disciplinary Panel Chair, if appropriate, the decision in writing as soon as possible.
19.3 The WCGBA will be entitled to publish the decision of the AC in such a manner as it considers appropriate 14 days following the notification of the decision to the Appellant.
19.4 The WCGBA shall maintain a record of all decisions of the AC; all correspondence, documents, witness statements and minutes of the hearing shall be kept in secure conditions for a period of at least 6 years.
20 Shortening of the Appeal Process
20.1 Where it is necessary to expedite the consideration of the appeal, the Chair of the AC may vary certain of the above conditions but if this action is intended, then the Appellant(s) should be advised and given an opportunity object to the proposal to modify the procedure.
20.2 Normally, the modification should not be carried through against the wishes of the Appellant(s), except where the objection by the Appellant(s) is without just cause.
Code of Conduct
The Welsh Crown Green Bowling Association (“WCGBA”) has a Code of Conduct across the sport. The WCGBA requires the highest standards of conduct from everyone involved in crown green bowling to ensure that their behaviour and actions meet the values and standards expected of them at all times.
All levels of members of affiliated clubs, leagues and area associations are at all times subject to this code of conduct and the associated disciplinary procedures.
Members are expected to conduct themselves in ways which display the following:-.
- Good standards of behaviour both on and off the green.
- A sporting approach to team colleagues, opponents, officials and spectators.
- Behaviour befitting good ambassadors for the Welsh Crown Green Bowling Association, its affiliates and the game of bowls.
Members must not:-
- Use abusive or threatening behaviour towards others.
- Harass, bully or abuse other persons, physically, verbally or electronically on internet sites or web pages
- Show any form of discrimination against other persons motivated by gender, marital status, sexual orientation, race, colour, nationality, ethnic origin, disability, age, occupation, religion or political opinion.
Any member of the Association’s clubs, leagues, societies and Area Associations who fail to uphold this Code of Conduct, thereby bringing themselves or the WCGBA into disrepute, shall be subject to disciplinary action. Abusive or threatening behaviour will not be tolerated.
In the first instance it is the responsibility of the parent club to ensure that members are aware of their obligations under this Code of Conduct. Thereafter all Leagues, Bowling Societies and Area associations are required to uphold and enforce it.
Dress Code
All players must pay attention to the dress code set out for each competition held under the auspices of the BCGBA, BCGLBA, the WCGBA, the Area Associations and the affiliated Leagues. Particular attention is drawn to the requirements for individual or team finals. Footwear should have flat soles with no heels or heavy grips.
National Team Representatives
Players and officials who represent their Country are in privileged and favoured positions. Their conduct and performance should accord with the status they enjoy. This assumes a mature and sensible approach and requires good preparation, sensible enjoyment, recreation and proper rest. Players should be fit to play and wear, with pride, the official Welsh shirt or blouse and badge as instructed by Team Officials.
National team officials should ensure compliance with player requirements and provide the leadership and organisational skills expected of their status.
As a Player I will:
ü be affiliated to the WCGBA and comply with all rules, regulations and requirements of the sport including any leagues and competitions in which I participate
ü respect the rights, dignity and worth of all people involved in crown green bowls, regardless of gender, marital status, sexual orientation, race, colour, nationality, ethnic origin, disability, age, occupation, religion or political opinion.
ü not abuse or misuse any relationship of trust or position of power or influence held by me within my team, club, League, Society, Area or National Association
ü always conduct myself in an appropriate manner
ü cooperate with my coaches, team mates, officials and administrators
ü never argue with an official during a match
ü control my temper; I understand that verbal and physical abuse of officials, coaches, spectators or other players, or deliberately distracting or provoking an opponent is not acceptable or permitted behaviour in crown green bowls
ü treat all players with respect, never bully or take unfair advantage of another player
ü work equally hard for myself and my team, show my determination and passion to learn and do well
ü display modesty in victory and graciousness in defeat
ü comply with all anti-doping policies and regulations
ü abide by any disciplinary sanctions that might be imposed on me
ü promote this code of conduct to other players, especially those new to the sport of crown green bowls
I will not:
Ø consume alcoholic drinks or illegal substances either immediately prior to or whilst playing at National level and will not consume excessive amounts of alcohol after the game
Ø offer or attempt to offer, or accept either directly or indirectly, any consideration whatsoever with a view to influencing the result of any match
As an Official I will:
ü be affiliated to the WCGBA and comply with all rules, regulations and requirements of the sport including any leagues and competitions
ü respect the rights, dignity and worth of all people involved in crown green bowls, regardless of gender, marital status, sexual orientation, race, colour, nationality, ethnic origin, disability, age, occupation, religion or political opinion.
ü not abuse or misuse any relationship of trust or position of power or influence held by me within my team, club, League, Society, Area or National Association
ü always conduct myself in an appropriate manner
ü treat all players, coaches and officials with respect, never bully or take unfair advantage
ü control my temper; I understand that verbal and physical abuse of coaches, players, spectators, or other officials is not acceptable or permitted behaviour in crown green bowls
ü be a positive role model for crown green bowls by acting in a way that projects a positive image of the WCGBA and being fair, considerate and honest with players
ü display high standards in my language, manner, punctuality, preparation and presentation ensuring that any player’s time spent with me is a positive experience
ü provide players with structured guidance appropriate to their needs and goals, ensuring equal attention and opportunities are available to all
ü exercise reasonable care and skill when carrying out my duties
ü comply with all anti-doping policies and regulations
ü abide by the “safeguarding guidelines” for children, young people and vulnerable adults
ü promote this code of conduct to other Officials especially those new to the sport of crown green bowls
I will not:
Ø consume excessive amounts of alcoholic drinks or consume illegal substances around players at National level
Ø offer or attempt to offer, or accept either directly or indirectly, any consideration whatsoever with a view to influencing the result of any match
Safeguarding children
Safeguarding adults
Club safeguarding officer job description
Safeguarding report form for adult victim
Safeguarding report for child victim
Safeguarding Allegation Reporting Form Person of Concern
Click here to download the consent form for parents and carers
Click here to download the Incident report form
Click here to download the travel consent form
Click here to download the Video photographic consent form for parents carers
Code of conduct for signing
Staying away
Bowls Development Alliance resources where all resources can be found
Policy for dealing with General Complaints
The Welsh Crown Green Bowling Association (“the WCGBA”) is responsible for setting and maintaining standards to members (including Life Members, Area Associations, Leagues, Societies, Clubs and players) and is committed to dealing with any complaint equitably, comprehensively and in a timely manner.
- Dealing with General Complaints
The emphasis of the General Complaints Procedures of the WCGBA will be on the early resolution of problems with a minimum of disruption to members.
- All complaints will be dealt with sympathetically, fairly and honestly.
- Responses to complaints will be as full and detailed as possible.
- If the WCGBA its Officers, Executive Governance Board (“EGB”) Members, committee members, volunteers or usual processes are found to be at fault that will be acknowledged and the complainant will be informed of any future action to be taken to prevent similar problems occurring again.
- General Complaints
A general complaint that is not linked in any way to an action that might be associated with a criminal, disciplinary, anti-doping or safeguarding offence is defined as:
- an expression of dissatisfaction about an action (or inaction) or decision (or policy) of the WCGBA as an Association, or by one of its Officers, or by an EGB Member or other volunteer acting in any capacity on behalf of the Association
- a complaint may initially be made verbally (the complainant will be asked to follow it up in writing in the majority of cases), or in writing, either by letter, fax or e-mail
- Who will deal with complaints
In all cases the complaint will be directed to the most appropriate person:
(See Table overleaf)
Person/body against whom complaint is made | Initial response | Response to the Complaint | Additional/subsequent response if complaint not satisfied |
The WCGBA or one or more of its Executive Governance Board or Officers | Standard letter, email or FAX confirming receipt of complaint and name of person to whom the complaint has been referred | Chief Executive | Chair of the EGB (unless the complaint is about the Chair then the matter will be referred to the Vice Chair) |
Chief Executive Officer | Chair of the EGB | EGB | |
Committee Members | Chair of the Committee (unless the complaint is about the Chair then the CEO) | CEO unless the CEO is the line manager then the matter will be referred to the Chair of the EGB | |
Person working on behalf of the WCGBA as a volunteer e.g. coach, tournament official, Selector, Team Manager | The Chair of the Committee member of responsible for the relevant area of work e.g. National Performance, Development, Finance etc. | CEO Chair or other EGB Member with lead responsibility |
- Process
All general complaints will be acknowledged in writing by letter, email or fax usually within 3 working days of receipt. The acknowledgement will confirm the person to whom the complaint has been directed and inform the complainant of the procedure that will be followed in dealing with the matter and if possible the likely timescale. A standard initial response format should be used.
The person receiving the complaint will either deal with it themselves or pass it to the appropriate person to deal with, as shown above.
The person dealing with the complaint will:
- Determine the facts of the matter as required – actions to determine the facts will vary on a case by case basis
- Keep the complainant informed of progress with regard to their complaint, particularly important if there is likely to be a delay in answering the complaint for any reason
- Write to the complainant answering their concerns and giving explanation(s) where appropriate within 14 days unless a longer period is required in order to obtain information
If the complainant is not satisfied with the response the person who has dealt with the complaint will endeavour to resolve any further issues raised and will respond again in writing.
In the event that the complainant is still not satisfied the complaint will be referred to the subsequent responder as indicated above or their equivalent. Any subsequent correspondence will be dealt with within the same timescales.
The WCGBA should not enter into lengthy and extended correspondence with the complainant once the original complaint and any subsequent substantive issues have been answered and/or resolved as far as the WCGBA is concerned. The Chief Executive or Chair of the EGB as appropriate should bring the matter to a close, in the most amicable way possible, if they believe that nothing will be gained by either party through continuance of the discussions.
Unreasonably Persistent or Vexatious Complaints
The Welsh Crown Green Bowling Association (“the WCGBA”) does not expect Officers or key volunteers to tolerate unacceptable behaviour by complainants at any time during the general complaints procedure. Unacceptable behaviour includes behaviour which is abusive, offensive or threatening and may include
- Using abusive or inappropriate language on the telephone or face to face
- Sending multiple emails
- Leaving multiple voicemails
Raising legitimate queries or criticisms of a complaints procedure as it progresses, e.g. if agreed timescales are not met, should not in itself lead to someone being regarded as a vexatious or an unreasonably persistent complainant.
Similarly, the fact that a complainant is unhappy with the outcome of a complaint and seeks to challenge it once, or more than once, should not necessarily cause him or her to be labelled vexatious or unreasonably persistent.
The WCGBA will take action to protect Officers and key volunteers from inappropriate behaviour. If a complainant behaves in a way that is unreasonably persistent or vexatious, this procedure will be followed.
The WCGBA defines unreasonably persistent and vexatious complainants as those complainants who, because of the frequency or nature of the complaints, they hinder the work of the Association. The description ‘unreasonably persistent’ and ‘vexatious’ may apply separately or jointly to a particular complainant. Examples include the way or frequency that complainants raise their complaint with Officers, or how complainants respond when informed of a decision about their complaint.
Features of an unreasonably persistent and/or vexatious complainant include the following (the list is not exhaustive, nor does one single feature on its own necessarily imply that the person will be considered as being in this category)
An unreasonably persistent and/or vexatious complainant may result from a combination of some or all of these features:
- have insufficient or no grounds for their complaint and be making the complaint only to annoy (or for reasons that he or she does not admit or make obvious)
- refuse to specify the grounds of a complaint despite offers of assistance
- refuse to co-operate with the complaints investigation process while still wishing their complaint to be resolved
- refuse to accept that issues are not within the remit of the general complaints policy and procedure despite having been provided with information about the scope of the policy and procedure
- refusal to accept that issues are not within the power of the WCGBA to investigate, change or influence (examples could be a complaint about a Sport Wales, or something that is the responsibility of another organisation)
- insist on the complaint being dealt with in ways which are incompatible with the complaints procedure or with good practice (e.g. that there must not be any written record of the complaint)
- make what appear to be groundless complaints about the person dealing with the complaints and seek to have them dismissed or replaced
- make an unreasonable number of contacts by any means in relation to a specific complaint or complaints
- make persistent and unreasonable demands or expectations of Officers and/or the complaints process after the unreasonableness has been explained to the complainant (an example of this could be a complainant who insists on immediate responses to numerous, frequent and/or complex letters, faxes, telephone calls or emails)
- raise numerous subsidiary or new issues whilst a complaint is being addressed that were not part of the complaint at the start of the complaint process
- introduce trivial or irrelevant new information whilst the complaint is being investigated and expect this to be taken into account and commented on
- change the substance or basis of the complaint without reasonable justification whilst the complaint is being addressed
- adopt an excessively ‘scattergun’ approach, e.g. pursuing a complaint or complaints not only with the WCGBA, but at the same time with Sport Wales, the Welsh Government, a Member of Parliament, their local council, elected councillors, the police, solicitors and/or any other body
- refuse to accept the outcome of the complaint process after its conclusion, repeatedly arguing the point, complaining about the outcome, and/or denying that an adequate response has been given
- make the same complaint repeatedly, perhaps with minor differences, after the complaints procedure has been concluded and insist that the minor differences make these ‘new’ complaints which should be put through the full complaints procedure
- persistently approach the WCGBA through different routes about the same issue
- persist in seeking an outcome which has been explained is unrealistic for legal or policy (or other valid) reasons
- refuse to accept documented evidence as factual
- complain about or challenge an issue based on a historic and irreversible decision or incident
If it is suggested that a complainant is acting in an unreasonably persistent or vexatious way the Chief Executive Officer (“CEO”) will ensure that the complaint is being, or has been, investigated properly according to the complaints procedure before any further action is taken.
The CEO will contact the complainant either by telephone, in writing or by email to explain why their behaviour is causing concern and ask them to change this behaviour. The CEO will explain the actions that the WCGBA may take if the behaviour does not change.
If the disruptive behaviour continues, the CEO will issue a reminder letter to the complainant advising them that the way in which they will be dealt with by the WCGBA in future will be restricted. The CEO will make this decision following consultation with the Chair of the WCGBA Executive Governance Board (“EGB”) and inform the complainant in writing of what measures have been put in place and for what period.
Any restriction that is imposed on the complainant’s contact will be appropriate and proportionate and the complainant will be advised of the period of time the restriction will cover. In most cases restrictions will apply for between 3 and 6 months but in exceptional cases may be extended. In such cases the restrictions would be reviewed on a quarterly basis.
Restrictions will be tailored to deal with the individual circumstances of the complainant and may include:
- prohibiting the complainant from making contact by telephone except through a third party acting on their behalf
- prohibiting the complainant form sending emails to individual(s) and/or all Officers and insisting they only correspond by letter
- requiring contact to take place with one named Official only
- restricting telephone calls to specified days / times / duration
- requiring any face to face contact to take place in the presence of an appropriate witness
- letting the complainant know that the WCGBA will not reply to or acknowledge any further contact from them on the specific topic of that complaint (in this case, a designated Officer should be identified who will read future correspondence)
When the decision has been taken to apply this policy to a complainant, the CEO will contact the complainant in writing (and/or as appropriate) to explain:
- why the WCGBA has taken the decision
- what action(s) are being taken
- the duration of that action
- the review process of this policy, and
- the right of the complainant to contact EGB Members about the fact that they have been treated as a vexatious/persistent complainant
Where the behaviour is so extreme or it threatens the immediate safety and welfare of Officers and/or volunteers the WCGBA will consider other options, e.g. reporting the matter to the police or taking legal action. In such cases, the WCGBA may not give the complainant prior warning of that action.
In every case, full and complete records of all decisions and actions will be maintained in line with the WCGBA Data Retention procedures or equivalent.
Below is a list of past presidents and CEO’s/Secretaries, but the records only go back to 1948 and 1963 and for the presidents that information is taken from the chain of office, if anyone has any more information about anyone who was president or secretary before these dates please let us know.
1948 – 1964 W.G. ROBERTS (Secretary)
1964 – 1990 RAY SPRINGFIELD (Secretary)
1990 – 2008 MEL HIGHAM (CEO)
2009 – 2013 IVOR WILLIAMS (CEO)
2013 – 2017 MATT FOSTER (CEO)
2024 – PAUL DANIEL (Secretary)
1963-64 F. BAKER
1965-66 H. OWEN
1967-68 J.R. RICH
1969-70 I. ROBERTS
1971-72 HUGH OWEN
1974-75 C. HOWERTH
1976 E.W. JONES
1977 J.A. PARRY
1978 D.E. DODD
1980 W. HOUGH
1981 J.M. BRAY
1982 W.A. JONES
1983 R.B. CONWAY
1984 D.E. DODD
1985 H. OWEN
1986 S. HIGHAM
1987 J.M. BRAY
1989 M. HIGHAM
1990 J.LL. LUNT
1991 G.E. HUGHES
1993 R.D. HUGHES
1994 C. ADAMS
1996 I. DAVIES
1997 P.G. JARVIS
1998 J. PERCY
1999 D.T. EVANS
2000 P. HIGHAM
2001 A.R. GREEN
2002 J.D. LLOYD
2004 J.F. WHITE
2005 J. PATON
2006 J.D. LLOYD
2007 D.W. HUGHES
2010 MRS. B. JONES
2013 P. SCOTT
2014 MRS. S. WEST
2017 MRS. D. PRICE
2018 MRS. B. JONES
2020 -2021 S. WALKER
2023 J. HUNT
1926 | J.E. LLOYD | Flint |
1927 | E.W. BOSTOCK | Prestatyn |
1928 | E. BRADBURY | Rhyl |
1929 | T. FOULKES | Northop |
1930 | E. KYFFIN | Turf |
1931 | H. SHAW | Coedpoeth |
1932 | T.B. JONES | Cefn Mawr |
1933 | BERT THOMAS | Parciau |
1934 | C.W. STEVENS | Shotton |
1935 | T. ROBERTS | Llandudno |
1936 | W. AMOS | Hawarden |
1937 | J.P.EVANS | Broughton |
1938 | CHARLIE PARRY | Grosvenor |
1939 | H. FRANCIS | Coedpoeth |
1940 | HARRY NEWBITT | Craig Y Don |
1941 | C. GATRELL | Shotton |
1942 | C.W. STEVENS | Shotton |
1943 | A. JONES | Mold |
1944 | JOHN GRIFFITHS | Parciau |
1945 | S. YALES | Shotton |
1946 | R.T. HUGHES | Bailey Hill |
1947 | BILL PARRY | Grosvenor |
1948 | W. GRUMMETT | Min Y Don |
1949 | ARTHUR I. NORFOLK | Parciau |
1950 | BILL PARRY | Grosvenor |
1951 | T. HUGHES | Courtaulds |
1952 | TOMMY WILLIAMS | Esclusham |
1953 | JACK H. PARRY | Turf |
1954 | D.L. JONES | Monsanto |
1956 | ERIC ASHTON | Abergele |
1957 | ERIC ASHTON | Abergele |
1958 | ERIC ASHTON | Abergele |
1959 | NORMAN WILLIAMS | Grosvenor |
1960 | HECTOR RODEN | Connahs Quay |
1961 | ERIC ASHTON | Abergele |
1962 | HECTOR RODEN | Connahs Quay |
1963 | GWYN MORRIS | Bangor |
1964 | D.L. JONES | Monsanto |
1965 | ROLEY HUGHES | Coedpoeth |
1966 | ERIC ASHTON | Abergele |
1967 | ASTLEY JONES | Holywell |
1968 | DON HUGHES | Rhos |
1969 | GARY ROBERTS | Deganwy |
1970 | BRYANT MERRICK | Sunny Rhyl |
1971 | GWYN MORRIS | Bangor |
1972 | GWYN MORRIS | Bangor |
1973 | CYRIL EVANS | Coed Talon |
1974 | BRYANT MERRICK | Sunny Rhyl |
1975 | GWYN MORRIS | Bangor |
1976 | MERWYN WILLIAMS | Turf |
1977 | JACK HUNT | Bailey Hill |
1978 | ALAN WARBURTON | Old Colwyn |
1979 | JACK HUNT | Bailey Hill |
1980 | WYN WILSON | Sunny Rhyl |
1981 | IVOR PARRY | Grosvenor |
1982 | MERFYN JONES | Rhos |
1983 | IVOR JONES | Min Y Don |
1984 | MERFYN JONES | Rhos |
1985 | DEREK CAUGHTER | Bangor |
1986 | IVOR G. WILLIAMS | Cons |
1987 | DES HEY | Coed Talon |
1988 | COLIN EVANS | Rhos Park |
1989 | JOHN O. EVANS | Denbigh |
1990 | GARETH M. WILLIAMS | Craig Y Don |
1991 | DAVE ROGERS | Llay |
1992 | IVOR JONES | Min Y Don |
1993 | BERWYN WILLIAMS | Dyserth |
1994 | GWERYDD BUCKLAND | Bangor |
1995 | COLIN EVANS | Rhos Park |
1996 | MIKE RILEY | Bailey Hill |
1997 | KEVIN NICHOLAS | Gresford Colliery |
1998 | KERRY JONES | Gresford Colliery |
1999 | GWERYDD BUCKLAND | Bangor |
2000 | DAVID A. JONES | Esclusham |
2001 | ROGER MORGAN | Craig Y Don |
2002 | KEVIN WHITLOW | Bailey Hill |
2003 | JOHN BAILEY | Llanrwst |
2004 | MARK PARRY | Llanrwst |
2005 | KEVIN NICHOLAS | Gresford Colliery |
2006 | GERAINT WILLIAMS | Rhos |
2007 | JOHN BAILEY | Llanrwst |
2008 | MIKE RILEY | Bailey Hill |
2009 | TREVOR HEATH | Sunny Rhyl |
2010 | ANTHONY BAILEY | Llanrwst |
2011 | NICKY JONES | Conwy |
2012 | CHRIS SLATER | C.R.B.L. |
2013 | JOHN BONATTI | Coed Talon |
2014 | JOHN BAILEY | Llanrwst |
2015 | LEIGHTON ROBERTS | Esclusham |
2016 | GRAHAM BENNETT | Cunliffe |
2017 | KEIRON ROBERTS | Esclusham |
2018 | JOHN BAILEY | Llanrwst |
2019 | GERAINT BOOTH | Llanfair P.G. |
2020 | NO COMPETITION | Coronavirus |
2021 | JOHN SHORT* | Bangor |
2022 | IAN M. JONES | Cunliffe |
2023 | JOE PRITCHARD | Llanwrst |
2024 | FRANCIS PENLINGTON | Broughton & Bretton |
*Unofficial Competition due to Coronavirus Restrictions
1986 | Viv Roberts | Rhydymwyn |
1987 | Nancy Jones | Rhuddlan |
1988 | Viv Roberts (2) | Rhydymwyn |
1989 | Lorraine West | Gate Hangs High |
1990 | Viv Roberts (3) | Rhydymwyn |
1991 | Nancy Jones (2) | Rhuddlan |
1992 | Betty Phillips | Colwyn Bay Cons |
1993 | Betty Phillips (2) | Colwyn Bay Cons |
1994 | Viv Roberts (4) | Rhydymwyn |
1995 | Olwen Edwards | Menai Bridge |
1996 | Betty Phillips (3) | Colwyn Bay Cons |
1997 | Jane Bowler | Colwyn Bay Cons |
1998 | Nicola Dolby | Aerospace |
1999 | Sarah Hey | Penyffordd |
2000 | Janet Jones | Old Colwyn |
2001 | Viv Roberts (5) | Sychdyn |
2002 | Sarah Hey (2) | Penyffordd |
2003 | Viv Roberts (6) | Sychdyn |
2004 | Jackie Ollerton | Rhos Park |
2005 | Lesley Williams | Sychdyn |
2006 | Amanda Nicholas | Gresford Colliery |
2007 | Nicola Dolby (2) | Airbus |
2008 | Jane Bowler (2) | Deganwy |
2009 | Jane Bowler (3) | Deganwy |
2010 | Linda Williams | Flint |
2011 | Jane Bowler (4) | Conwy |
2012 | Chris Beer | Gladstone |
2013 | Gay Cooper | Connah’s Quay |
2014 | Amanda Nicholas (2) | Gresford Colliery |
2015 | Sarah Hey (3) | Sychdyn |
2016 | Kelsey Morgan-Rowlands | Esclusham |
2017 | Gay Cooper (2) | Connah’s Quay |
2018 | Linda Williams (2) | Hawkesbury |
2019 | Jenny Hadwin | Trefnant |
2020 | NO COMPETITION | Coronavirus |
2021 | Linda Williams* | Hawkesbury |
2022 | Aileen Coleman | Esclusham |
2023 | Linda Williams | Oakenholt |
2024 | Linda Williams | Oakenholt |
*Unofficial Competition due to Coronavirus Restrictions
1992 | WYN WILSON | Sunny Rhyl |
1993 | BRYANT MERRICK | Sunny Rhyl |
1994 | FRANK PRYCE | Sychdyn |
1995 | R.S. COOKE | Gresford Village |
1996 | BRYANT MERRICK | Sunny Rhyl |
1997 | MERWYN WILLIAMS | Gresford Colliery |
1998 | GEORGE HARRISON | Coed Talon |
1999 | R.S. COOKE | Gresford Village |
2000 | DEREK FORRESTER | Broughton & Bretton |
2001 | GRANVILLE ROGERS | Gresford Colliery |
2002 | ALBERT JONES | Llanrwst |
2003 | ARNOLD EDWARDS | Parciau |
2004 | GRAHAM PRICE | Hawkesbury |
2005 | GRANVILLE ROGERS | Gresford Colliery |
2006 | DOUG BIDDLE | Coed Talon |
2007 | KEN PARRY | Beaumaris |
2008 | PETER LACEY | Coed Talon |
2009 | GERAINT EVANS | Gresford Colliery |
2010 | TOM ROBERTS | Gresford Colliery |
2011 | KEN PARRY | Hawkesbury |
2012 | COLIN EVANS | Rhos Park |
2013 | KEVIN NICHOLAS | Gresford Colliery |
2014 | GRAHAM BENNETT | Cunliffe |
2015 | JOHN BONATTI | Coed Talon |
2016 | JOHN BONATTI | Coed Talon |
2017 | GRAHAM JAMES | Esclusham |
2018 | GERAINT ROBERTS | Trefnant |
2019 | GARY ROBERTS | Craig Y Don |
2020 | NO COMPETITION | Coronavirus |
2021 | MIKE CHAMBERLAIN* | Trefnant |
2022 | KERRIE JONES | Gresford Colliery |
2023 | BARRY HARRIS | Beaumaris |
2024 | FRANCIS PENLINGTON | Broughton & Bretton |
*Unofficial Competition due to Coronavirus Restrictions
1972 | ||
1973 | ||
1974 | ||
1975 | ||
1976 | GERAINT JONES | Deganwy |
1977 | ||
1978 | ||
1979 | MEL HUGHES | Llandudno |
1980 | GARETH M. WILLIAMS | Craig-y-Don |
1981 | TIM HALLIWELL | |
1982 | GILES EVANS | |
1983 | KEITH WILLIAMS | Penmaenmawr |
1984 | DAVID A. JONES | Esclusham |
1985 | MIKE RILEY | Cunliffe |
1986 | MIKE RILEY | Cunliffe |
1987 | STEPHEN EDWARDS | Llay |
1988 | DAVID A. JONES | Esclusham |
1989 | CRAIG RICHARDSON | Sunny Rhyl |
1990 | IAN TAYLOR | Greenfield |
1991 | DAVID WILLIAMS | Llay |
1992 | DAVID GARSTON | Llay |
1993 | DAVID WILLIAMS | Llay |
1994 | DAVID WILLIAMS | Llay |
1995 | DYFED JONES-OWEN | Blaenau Ffestiniog |
1996 | JOHN BAILEY | Llanrwst |
1997 | GARETH FOSTER | Highbury |
1998 | GARETH FOSTER | Highbury |
1999 | ANDREW PEARCE | Chirk AAA |
2000 | GERWYN ROBERTS | Blaenau Ffestiniog |
2001 | LEWIS SCOTT | St Asaph |
2002 | GERAINT BOOTH | Llanfair P.G. |
2003 | BRYN HUGHES | Craig-y-Don |
2004 | MARK EVANS | Plas Kynaston |
2005 | IAN LEDGER | Parciau |
2006 | MICHAEL PRITCHARD | Llanrwst |
2007 | DANIEL JONES | Deganwy |
2008 | ALED OWEN | Blaenau Ffestiniog |
2009 | CHRIS ABLETT | Hawkesbury |
2010 | NICK JONES | Chirk AAA |
2011 | JAKE STANLEY | Beaumaris |
2012 | ADAM PENLINGTON | Bailey Hill |
2013 | DYLAN WILLIAMS | Llanfair P.G. |
2014 | JORDAN RILEY | Broughton & Bretton |
2015 | IEUAN PUGH | Esclusham |
2016 | SAM WILLIAMS | Coedpoeth |
2017 | SAM WILLIAMS | Cunliffe |
2018 | SAM WILLIAMS | Cunliffe |
2019 | RYAN P. WILLIAMS | Penmaenmawr |
2020 | NO COMPETITION | Coronavirus |
2021 | RYAN P. WILLIAMS* | Dwygyfylchi |
2022 | RYAN P. WILLIAMS | Dwygyfylchi |
2023 | KIAN THOMAS | Esclusham |
2024 | JESS LACEY | Esclusham |
*Unofficial Competition due to Coronavirus Restrictions